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Top Calfishing.com Freshwater Fishing in California topic #946
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Subject: "lake Otay 2/25" Previous topic | Next topic
MWP (Guest)Tue Feb-27-01 10:56 AM
Charter member
#946, "lake Otay 2/25"


With my good buddies Brett and Cameron, we charged down to Otay on Sunday to fish the BASS Federation event. It was raining at 4am when we left OC, and came down on us until we left the lake around 4pm.

I had the good fortune to draw my pal Cameron. He just got a brand new 2001 196 Champion. Very sweet. Optimax, PinPoints, all the goods. Brett drew a good local fisherman and was stoked on that.

Cameron and I started out cranking. I got a 14" keeper on my 6th cast in Harvey's arm along the deepest tules we could find. A speedtrap fish. Pretty stoked. I've been in a slump, and my goal was to go out and catch one bass. So right then I was pretty jazzed.

Cameron and I moved onto a deep rockpile/ledge at the mouth of Harvey's. Cameron proceeded to bring a 5.29lber in the boat from about 35 feet. Drop shot 8" worm! Sick! Nice fish. We fished around, but the deep bite sort of died.

We moved up shallower in Harvey's and fished around the tules where I got the crank fish. I started pitching a jig around. I got a solid 2lber on my jig! Pretty stoked, a jig fish in SD County!

Cameron drop shotted one more, and so did I. Our five fish, six was the limit, weighed 12.79lbs...the winners had 21lbs! We took 3rd place.

I was glad to catch a few bass and place in a tourney! Been a while. I got to fish a new rod I built, it's 7'11 3/4" and throws swimbaits and wood great. Sort of a saltwater hybrid.



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