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Top Calfishing.com Freshwater Fishing in California topic #4742
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Subject: "Lake of the Pines" Previous topic | Next topic
norcalkidThu Jul-04-02 01:50 PM
Charter member
#4742, "Lake of the Pines"


I just got back from a trip to Lake of the Pines in the auburn area, its a private lake, if you know someone you can get in. the night i got there we went fishing for about an hour, i caught 3 bass in the 2-4 pound range and one female around 6.

the next day we went out early and fished 4" senko's around the boat docks and in the coves, all the bass hit on the fall, and pretty much every dock yielded a quality fish. most fish are in the 2 pound range, but we caught several around 4 and my friend and i each caught one in the 6-7 pound range. i farmed what wouldve been the biggest fish of the trip, she must have been about 8-9 pounds, had her right next to the boat but she went on one last run and wrapped the line all in the cabbage on the bottom. my friend caught the only smallmouth of the trip, a quality 3 lb one. we probably caught 15 bass each, and several huge redears around a foot. we went out again that evening and caught several more bass around 3 pounds.

the next morning we went out again, but only landed three fish, none of which were very big. we went out that evening and caught a few more quality fish around 4 pounds. all in all i probably caught like 30 legal sized fish, all were released and all were caught on senko's or ribbontail power worms.

on the trip home i stopped at the Bear River for about an hour and worked it for smallmouth's, caught maybe 10, all around 8-10 inches on rebel crawfish and panther martins in the black/gold.

if you get a chance, hit this lake, tons of quality fish.

tight lines,



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