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Trophy Munchies!!! (blah) Pages 1 | 2
On a lighter note, what are yourmunchies of choice on a long day of chucking and winding? I usually keep a box of breakfast bars in my truck just
robborFeb-21-02 09:42 AM
by Wes n, bkrsfld
Castaic swim bait trailer hooks
What have you guys found that works best for trailer/bottom hook for Castaic swim baits. I have both 8" and 6" models. Do the extra hooks effect the
Sacto JohnFeb-21-02 09:38 AM
by Wes n, bkrsfld
Oklahoman who wants some big Cali baits
Hey guys, Im from Oklahoma and love hearing you about you guys and your monster bass. Im the only person in the state who fishes AC Plugs and Castaics
Trey KenyonFeb-20-02 08:03 PM
by Jacques
When it rains it pours
Amazing thing about the internet is that it gives you perspective of what the bite is like all over the state. The past three days have seen some inc
swimbaitFeb-20-02 09:22 AM
by Wes n, bkrsfld
Bassmaster mag Lunker Page
Do any of you guys ever look at the lunker page in Bassmaster. Some of these fish aren't even close to the 10lb mark. My personal biggest is 9lbs an
BucketmouthFeb-20-02 08:51 AM
by Jacques
MS Slammer: First Impessions
Picked up a 9 inch slammer at the ISE show on saturday and went to Del Valle yesterday(2/5/02) to try it out. First impressions: not as heavy as I th
Carrot TopFeb-19-02 06:16 PM
by swimbait
Very cool stuff.....
this is a link to a pic of my uncle. the cool part is that the little thing at the bottom of his shirt is a baby bass! so what swimbait or troutplu
PatrickFeb-19-02 02:26 PM
by Patrick
February 18, 2002 San Pablo!!!
Well how do I start... Rob's story of his two big fish persuaded my dad and I to hit up San Pablo. Well after bout an hour messing around in one spot
Carrot TopFeb-19-02 11:25 AM
by Carrot Top
More plug pics Pages 1 | 2
Woohoo, got a coolpix 775 today. Let's see if I can figure out how to work it... Here's a few pics of the plugs I've been working on. The painted o
brianFeb-19-02 10:05 AM
by brian
Mission Fish Swimbaits
Any of you guys used these baits. I thimk they would be great for a weedy, trout-planted lake I fish. I just got back from the Fisherman's Warehouse
BucketmouthFeb-18-02 12:20 PM
by bassnet
Whats your favorite rods for flippin and pitchin?
fishtraxFeb-17-02 05:28 AM
by Patrick
Casitas 10 bass over 10#
Did anybody read the fishing report about 10 bass over 10# being caught last week at Casitas? Supposidly most came from the back side of the island.
robborFeb-15-02 08:58 PM
by robbor
I finally did it, new rod
I called my order in today for a Shimano Calcutta 8" CL-820XFA rod and Calcutta TE 400 Reel. I can't wait till it shown up at my door. I turns out Wo
robborFeb-15-02 08:36 PM
by robbor
Mike Long story...
I don't know if this has ever been posted before...but I just read how Mike Long caught his 20 pound 12 ounce bass at Lake Dixon a while back and it's
SJFeb-15-02 05:05 AM
by SJ
Hey Brian......
what wood and tools do you use? also how do you cut? i try to do this, and i keep getting messed up ac plugs without good joints. patrick
PatrickFeb-14-02 08:42 PM
by brian
what if you broke the record
What if you were fishing a lake that had no marina, no scale, or anything like that, just a private lake and you caught a bass that would break the re
fishtraxFeb-14-02 08:54 AM
by KelDawg1
Big Fish on the Delta...
Here's some pics of the 18.62 bubba caught on the Delta 2/10/02: http ://www.ncbf.com/delt arecord.html
SJFeb-13-02 06:01 PM
by bassnet
swimbait knowledge Pages 1 | 2
Im fishing a lake that doesnt have trout in it, Do you think the bass will eat a swimbait??
fishtraxFeb-13-02 05:53 PM
by bassnet
Swimbait Or Trout Plug?
I am planning my first trip out with the express intent of catching,and releaseing a trophy largemouth. I will be heading out to Lake Folsom or Ranco
Sacto JohnFeb-13-02 02:32 PM
by Palmdale Shane
While we are on the subject
here are my first impressions of the stocker trout. like rob said, it is very realistic in the water, and guess what? i also had a fish swallom mine
PatrickFeb-08-02 04:35 PM
by Patrick
Jigs...... Pages 1 | 2
i have a question......i just recently started using jigs this fall, and i prefer the smaller ones 1/4 oz. i caught a few fish this fall, and wanna
PatrickFeb-08-02 04:03 PM
by robbor
Famous Guy
I went to the Umaco web site to look up the weight of the Generic Trout, when I noticed a picture of a young guy with a 13.44 bass. Hmmmmmmm, I wonde
robborFeb-08-02 10:49 AM
by swimbait
Big fish at golf coarse
I was talking to a guy at Atascadero ford today. He said he caught a 10+ largemouth out of the ponds behind Chalk Mountain golf coarse. The fish was u
GerryFeb-08-02 07:23 AM
by Gerry
Trout Plug rods
I am intersted in buying a set up for trout plugs. I have read Swimbait's article on this site and looked into the rods he discussed and they are a b
Sacto JohnFeb-08-02 06:08 AM
by Sacto John
HOw do you guys fish senkos I fish them on a baitcasting set up , I run out of patience,they takes so long to fall, I'm wondering if they would be bet
fishtraxFeb-07-02 06:52 PM
by bassnet
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