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Forum nameStardust Sportfishing Report Board
Topic subjectBiting the swimbait at Rosa
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=1388
1388, Biting the swimbait at Rosa
Posted by Stardust, Fri May-20-11 03:59 PM
17 anglers Caught : 108 Rockfish 62 Red Snapper LIMITS BY NOON!! CAPT. JASON " Fishing was off the hook today at Santa Rosa Island. We had a nice light load, fishing nice shallow water, they took the swimbait & the jig real good today. Weather was awesome, caught tons of big reds & chucks." We are open party Monday-thursday 1/2 day 9am-3pm. Come on out!