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Forum nameStardust Sportfishing Report Board
Topic subjectStardust Fish Count 09/19/10
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=1252
1252, Stardust Fish Count 09/19/10
Posted by Stardust, Sun Sep-19-10 07:54 PM
‎23 Anglers 1 California Sheephead, 4 Lingcod, 5 Ocean Whitefish, 130 Rockfish, 89 Vermilion Rockfish Nice fishing today with the www.sportfishingreport.com charter. Please note the schedule change for this week. There is no trip tomorrow. Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday are AM 1/2 day trips 7am-12pm. Friday is 3/4 day... 7am-4/5pm call the landing for reservations 805-963-3564 or email stardustsportfishing@hotmail.com