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Forum nameStardust Sportfishing Report Board
Topic subjectStardust Fish Count 09/27/10
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=1255&mesg_id=1255
1255, Stardust Fish Count 09/27/10
Posted by Stardust, Mon Sep-27-10 05:19 PM
7 Anglers 18 Vermilion Rockfish, 42 Rockfish, 1 Kelp Bass, 5 Ocean Whitefish, 2 California Sheephead

Fishing was great today! Nice big reds, great rockfish great quality on everything. Nice Sea BREEZE on the water, we are going for sure tomorrow, just show up. Open Party all week:tues-thurs 1/2 day 9am-3pm, Fri 3/4 day 7am-4/5pm. Call 805-963-3564 or email stardustsportfishing@hotmail.com