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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectFeather River Smallies
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=9618
9618, Feather River Smallies
Posted by Rocky, Tue Jul-09-02 10:37 AM
I want to try out the Feather River for smallies. Where do you
head out to--below Yuba? What are some places to put in a float tube,and can a float tuber navigate the river? Do you go down, and walk back, or what? I love smallies.
9619, RE: Feather River Smallies
Posted by , Wed Jul-10-02 04:44 AM
Hello Rocky, Best to float down with a ride waiting down stream.
Don't recommend walking or kick back up stream.
The drop in place I visited allowed me to cruse down a 5-mile stretch of the river. Took me 5 1/2 hours. Although I would of like to fished the river longer. Just had to meet our ride down river on our set time agreed on.

We droped in from a launch ramp above Shanghi Bend and got out at Buoyed Pump. Only CAUTION I found was Rapids just below Shanghi Bend. Going down stream stay to the far left of the river when coming to the rapids. Have no fear... You will be able to hear long before seeing the rapids coming. Plenty of time to adjust your entry onto the left side of the rivers falls. I choose the left cause on the right is a four-foot rapid drop off. Does look like it could cause damage. NO JOKE!

Let me find a map. My truck got robed yesterday evening. They got my briefcase with my Thomas Bros map. May take a day or so..