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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectInvitational BBQ
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=4564
4564, Invitational BBQ
Posted by Fishnmoron, Wed Sep-26-01 05:03 PM
How many people would be interested in a full on BBQ for saturday night prior to the Raffle and casting contest, or even durring. Make it a partial pot luck and BBQ. Possibly having Hot dogs and burgers for like a buck and the rest of the food pot luck. and spliting the money between the clubs? any other ideas?

4565, RE: Invitational BBQ
Posted by , Wed Sep-26-01 08:17 PM
You gotta love a BBQ! Not sure about the fundraiser aspect but I'd be willing to donate burger patties, buns, pickles for say 20 people.

4566, RE: Invitational BBQ
Posted by Fishnmoron, Thu Sep-27-01 12:04 PM
yeah it doesnt have to be a fundraiser, just an idea for the invitational, to make it more of a group/socializing thing. Thanks for the donation offer

4567, RE: Invitational BBQ
Posted by , Thu Sep-27-01 01:39 PM
I'll bring the patties, buns, and fixings as I stated above. See you there!

4568, RE: Invitational BBQ
Posted by , Thu Sep-27-01 03:17 PM
I'm into a potluck thing.

Have you talked to John R. at Safeway about donating some dead cow? :-)

4569, RE: Invitational BBQ
Posted by FIT, Fri Sep-28-01 03:06 AM
BBQ sounds fun, I'm in....