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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectSo what is the news from the Open?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=34381
34381, So what is the news from the Open?
Posted by BuzzFish, Mon Jul-17-06 09:43 AM
Wanting to hear what I missed out on...throw me a bone!

34382, RE: So what is the news from the Open?
Posted by mteman, Mon Jul-17-06 10:04 AM
The full results are posted on the Delta region results forum.

Rob Won it with 27.63. He got his big fish(6.56) Sunday on a buzzbait too :+

Top 6
1 - Rob Belloni 27.63
2 - Dan Chester 27.02
3 - Jeremy Brumbelow 26.2
4 - Scott Rouhier 22.81
5 - Jeff Smith 22.62
6 - taylor Capilla 22.06

Scott Beem had day 1 big fish with a 6.49 lber. Jeremy edged Paul's 6.82 lb fish by 5/100ths for day 2 and overall big fish with a 6.87 lb toad.
34383, RE: So what is the news from the Open?
Posted by BuzzFish, Mon Jul-17-06 11:05 AM
Thanks! Buzzbait, eh? Swampy and I were out there the weekend before and I could not get anything to move on a buzzbait...

34384, My Open report
Posted by swimbait, Mon Jul-17-06 11:11 AM
In the past I can't say that I've ever had great success on the delta ... so this tournament I set two basic goals for myself. The first was to catch 25lbs of bass over the 2 days because thats what it has taken to win in the past. The second was to stay open minded and be opportunistic. I really tried hard not to lock into any one pattern or lure.

Day 1 I fished reaction baits in the morning, spook and rattletrap. Picked up two keepers on the trap in the first hour or so. I also lost one about 3lbs that dove under my boat and popped off the hook. Always tuff to lose a quality fish early in a tournament! Mid morning I picked up a flip fish and then another trap fish. These were all 1.5 to 2.25 type fish.

Eventually I wandered down past where everyone else was and got into some clear water areas. I've never caught a swimbait fish on the delta before but this water looked right. 3 casts with the Slammer and I got a 2lber. Another similar fish followed 10 minutes later. I spent the last few hours throwing the Slammer and got a 3.98 pretty late in the day :) Weighed in 12.03lbs and was in 5th place after day 1.

Day 2 I felt a little more tuned in and I fished fast with the rattle trap, picking up 2 quick keepers. I flipped one on a brush hog and got another one on a senko. Just junk fishing and moving quickly between areas. On my way to my slammer water I saw a nice patch of buzzbait water. First cast with the buzzbait I hooked a small keeper and lost it. A few casts later a big fish woofed my bait and I wrassled it through the junk and into the net. That was my big fish for the day at 6.56lbs :) Also my best buzzbait fish ever :)

No more love on the buzzbait so I headed to my Slammer water and kept firing away covering water. The bite wasn't wide open but the fish were eating it pretty good. I got 5 slammer fish including a 2-0, 2-5 and a 3-2. I lost a 4lber that was hooked briefly and I missed one bite. Also culled a fish with a brush hog fish that went 1-11. On the way back to the ramp I picked up a few more keepers but nothing to cull. Weighed in 16.10lbs. I did have a dead fish that died on me for no real apparent reason in the last 30 minutes of the tourney :( That was a bummer.

I worked really hard in this tourney, rowing long distances each day and fishing as hard as I possibly could fish. Losing a good fish each day and having a dead fish will usually cost you in a tourney but I was fortunate to come out just ahead.

Congrats to Joey Castro who won the casting contest and a cool $100! The raffle and camping were epic as well :) Watching Teresa win two rods in the raffle again was hilarious lol! Thanks Paul, Mitch, CZ and all the B-n-T staff for a good tourney.

Also gotta say whats up and thanks to my sponsors Triple Fish Line, MS Slammer, Assalt Premium Bass Tackle, Big Hammer Swimbaits, and Tacklewarehouse.com.
34385, RE: My Open report
Posted by BuzzFish, Mon Jul-17-06 11:59 AM
Thanks for the report Rob and congrats on your win. Congrats too on the buzzbait fish; I just love it when a pig smacks a buzzbait! Interestng that you caught so many fish on a slammer, maybe I should give those things a try!

34386, RE: My Open report
Posted by fish24, Mon Jul-17-06 12:41 PM
Last time Rob won I was gonna say everyone should just give him their money prior to fishing...then just go fish for fun. Now I know this should be the case ;) WTG there Rob on yet another victory.
34389, RE: My Open report
Posted by SLM, Mon Jul-17-06 02:58 PM
Congratulations and great report!

How was the boat traffic from the other tournies in the vicinity? Someone on westernbass.com got a little huffy over the BNT tourney announcement but I think Lake and sTony shut him down...
34391, RE: My Open report
Posted by swimbait, Mon Jul-17-06 03:11 PM
There were a lot of boats around all day but I have to say that I thought everyone I encountered was totally cool. As we were oaring by Russo's in the morning on Sunday some guy says, "hey are you guys having a kickboat tourney?" I said yeah, and he was like, "man I love you guys, you guys have way more balls than me." Totally friendly. I talked to a few random sitting on docks too and they were totally friendly.
34404, RE: My Open report
Posted by SLM, Tue Jul-18-06 08:50 AM
>There were a lot of boats around all day but I have to say
>that I thought everyone I encountered was totally cool.

Good to hear that...
34406, RE: My Open report
Posted by Lake, Tue Jul-18-06 12:04 PM
Your having an unbelievable season man, be very proud of your accomplishments. I'll post my non-exciting report asap

I had nothing but good run ins with the boats out there. Hell one guy even offered to tow me in from sandmound. I also oared through all the guys in the pro teen sunday at Russo's and evenyone was very cool and talkative.
34393, RE: My Open report
Posted by Doug T, Mon Jul-17-06 05:44 PM
I totally forgot about the ProTeen tourney launching out of Russo's. Saturday I did okay flipping down the bank across from there down to the opening in the wall. I planned to do the same on Sunday but stopped on the point across from the Rusty Porthole and worked it for a bit then up the channel towards Frank's but not very far. When I got back around the corner, there were about 80 boats waiting to blast off. At least half of them were right against the tules for about 200 yards where I was catching them the day before. Rather than trying to get through all those boats, I turned around and fished the other way. I did get a 3lber right across from Beacon but that was it for the day. I felt like I really screwed up by not getting past Russo's before the flotilla o' bass boats showed up. I did win an Okuma crankin' rod at the raffle and my lucky number 33 was drawn for the Outcast kickboat so it wasn't too bad of a weekend. :7 Congrats to Rob for kicking our butts and I'll get my money ready to give him at Rancho Seco.
