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Topic subjectMy First Fish of 06'
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=31694
31694, My First Fish of 06'
Posted by IFISH, Mon Jan-09-06 08:02 AM
IFISH say's,

CZ and I went our yesterday via Bass Boat for a Jan excursion to the good ol' Delta. It was cooooold, but bearable. CZ had to show me how it's done right quick by putting 2 fish in the boat. He had a 3 and 2lber. Then it was my turn. I still owe it all to CZ cause he gave me the jig I didn't have, and he figured out the pattern. I pitched it to a weed edge, drug it maybe 2 feet, and then there was weight. I set the hook, but my drag was too loose ( new reel x( ) and when I set, and extra 2 feet of line gave cause of it. OH NO ! I reel down fast as I can, put pressure on the spool with my thumb and felt if she was stil there. Tug, tug......yup, she's there. I tighten up my drag real quick and begin the truck pull. She dug down into the DEEPEST weeds she could find. I thought I lost her some points in the fight. When we finally netted her, there was about 10 lbs of delta skank weeds coming with it. She weighted a nice 6 lbs even on the digi. My first 5lb + Delta fish too.

31695, RE: My First Fish of 06'
Posted by swampy, Mon Jan-09-06 08:22 AM
Way to start off the new year Mr wong!:7 I didn't get anything that big and there must've been a ton of stuff floating down the river!Be safe out there.

p.s.Looks like I'll have to find some new water! :+ :+ that's a nice area down there huh?
31697, RE: My First Fish of 06'
Posted by IFISH, Mon Jan-09-06 09:27 AM

IFISH say's,

I have no idea what you're talking about man.:+

31696, RE: My First Fish of 06'
Posted by Lake, Mon Jan-09-06 09:24 AM
Very cool nice feesh man
31698, RE: My First Fish of 06'
Posted by Fishcat, Mon Jan-09-06 12:53 PM
Dude, smile that's a nice feesh :-) :-) ;-) :7
31705, RE: My First Fish of 06'
Posted by IFISH, Mon Jan-09-06 06:26 PM

IFISH say's,

No sunglasses + Sun-in-my-face = Blinded.:+ CZ can vouch, I was waaaaaaaaaay stoked. I even gave out a little " Never give up " cry.:+

31717, RE: My First Fish of 06'
Posted by Gordon, Tue Jan-10-06 09:08 AM
Since you had the "Ike" thing going...

31723, RE: My First Fish of 06'
Posted by IFISH, Tue Jan-10-06 11:50 AM

IFISH say's,

hahahaha, I like it. But is my forhead really that big ?? :+ :+ LoL Yeah man, it feels real good to start off a year like that. I'm hoping this fish is the start to a good year. I'm thinkin' so. I just gotta keep wearing the " lucky Adidas " and I'll be good to go. }(

31699, RE: My First Fish of 06'
Posted by swimbait, Mon Jan-09-06 02:28 PM
nice fitch mr. wong :)
31713, RE: My First Fish of 06'
Posted by mteman, Tue Jan-10-06 07:50 AM
Sweet! Nice fish bro. I put my first 06 fish in the boat Saturday at SC. Not any bragging size fish like yours though. It's nice to get the stink off early in the year, huh. Maybe a sign of good things to come this year :P
31720, RE: My First Fish of 06'
Posted by FISH JC, Tue Jan-10-06 10:49 AM
Nice start to 06 Mr. Wrong Ike :)
31731, Y'did better than me, fer sure!
Posted by jsmith, Tue Jan-10-06 06:39 PM
Congrats on the nice delta sow, there, Nick! Very impressive!

Yeah, I took Chris O. out to Calero Sunday (he had already caught his first fish at Shadow Cliffs on Saturday -- a *trout*, if that really counts :+ !). Well, he's got his second now -- a healthy 2 lb'er he caught on a dropshot over by the big spillway. As for me, well, I'm still lookin'...never got a bite, which seemed to be pretty much par for the course according to others I talked to out there, as well. Chris never got tapped again after his first, either.

Anyway, I'll keep trying (I think it took, like, *5 trips* last year to get my first, although it was a nice 4-1/2'er, in just about the same area Chris got his on Sunday). I tried to squeeze one last '05 fish or two out of the *Castaic* lagoon, on my way down to San Diego over the holidays, but some heavy winds & otherwise dismal conditions didn't allow me the pleasure. It's pretty cool, though -- I never realized Castaic is so close to the highway as you pass through on 5! I'll definitely be stopping in there every chance I get when heading south in the future (and on the way back home, too)!

Tha's alright, I'm just happy the days are getting longer now, & better conditions are coming soon (not soon enough, of course)!

See y'all out there!

31734, RE: Y'did better than me, fer sure!
Posted by Samurai TI, Tue Jan-10-06 08:43 PM
Great job Nick.

As for you Jeff, I'm in the same boat as I got zilched on my first trip of the year...at Berryessa! x(

I'm thinking this is a good way to start as my first trip last year got me a few nice fish and then I didn't do so well during the season. Maybe if I start out bad on my first trip it will only get better... :+
