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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectNever fails
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=29404
29404, Never fails
Posted by rockstar, Fri Jul-22-05 05:09 PM
Seems every time I go out in my tube (usually at Kaweah) people are amazed. It's as if nobody has ever seen or heard of float tubes before. I get snide remarks from boaters asking how many horse power I have, and kids saying something like, "Look mommy, that man has a really small boat". And people talk about me as if I'm not even there. Usually now, when someone makes a stupid remark, I tell them they get to only make one.
Now that I've got that gripe off my shoulders I just want to say I gave night fishing a try last night at Kaweah. At first it was loud and crowded. The air was hot, still, and muggy. Then as the AH's left it got really nice. A breeze picked up, the full moon rose over the hills, and it got really quiet and peaceful. Unfortunately my wife's swim fins were giving her a lot of pain so we went in early, switched with each other and went back out. Then they gave me fits. They are Force Fins and hurt the top of our feet tremendously. We fished purple worms, crawlers, chicken livers, and swim baits. We couldn't even buy a bite. The water level has really dropped since the last time I was there. Maybe that can explain it.
29411, RE: Never fails
Posted by swimbait, Sat Jul-23-05 10:17 AM
Do they say things like...

Look at that guy, his feet are in the water.
Nuh uh, he's got a rubber suit on
Where's that guy's legs?
How does he move in that thing?
Dude I think there's a motor in there

It is darn funny how people see you in a tube or a kickboat and automatically assume you can't hear them talk. Every time I go to lake chabot I hear the comments from passers by. Sometimes I just look over and say HI HOW ARE YOU DOING?? in a very loud and overly friendly voice. This usually causes an awkward moment for them and a little chuckle for me and we go on our merry ways. It is amazing how rude some ppl are.
29476, Rob - tube or k'boat @ Chabot?
Posted by jsmith, Wed Jul-27-05 02:38 PM
Do they let you take your kickboat out there, or do you just go with the tube?
29479, RE: Rob - tube or k'boat @ Chabot?
Posted by swimbait, Wed Jul-27-05 03:13 PM

I have a letter from Steve Jones, Chief of Park Operations at Lake Chabot stating that kickboats are allowed at Lake Chabot. The real hurdle you have to overcome is carrying it down to the lake.
29412, RE: Never fails
Posted by Bassin, Sat Jul-23-05 11:31 AM
My favorite moment like this was one time when I was fishing Naciemento. It was early and a local bass club was launching at the same time, I must of heard a half dozen comments from a couple of guys on how this is just a crazy way to fish. During the course of the day I came across one boat and asked when thier wiegh-in was, "2:30" the guy replied. So thier I was loading my kickboat at the ramp at 2:30 after an above average fishing day for myself. I went over to where the 20 or so teams were wieghing in. Too funny, I couldn't keep from commenting that if I had enter thier tourny I would of made it in 3rd place!!

29474, RE: Never fails
Posted by squawfish, Wed Jul-27-05 11:28 AM
I have never had smart a** remarks when I have gone out at Kaweah. I tune out the world and concentrate on fishing by using my headphones while on the water (maintaining a keen sense of boat traffic of course. The bass boat guys are always freindly and want to know what I am using and how I am fishing it. I think it's great when I am fishing near someone in a $40,000 bass boat and I am out fishing them in my $130 float tube.
29475, RE: Never fails
Posted by IFISH, Wed Jul-27-05 12:14 PM

IFISH say's,

You know the saying mang, people fear what they don't know nothing about !:+ I've had silly comments myself( most are just silly questions ), but I look at it as they just don't know like we do. Who gives a rats a** if they want to make comments cause that just shows their class, or lack thereof. And besides, we got our own " Bass Tech " show and I've never once a " Bass Tech " on a bass boat ! Makes ya think huh ?