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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectHighland Springs tourney (short report)
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=28731
28731, Highland Springs tourney (short report)
Posted by FISH JC, Mon Jun-13-05 06:14 PM
Just wanted to say congrats to all who fished and placed this last weekend’s Highlands Springs lake tournament.

First time fishing this lake & I had a fun time overall and enjoyed fishing again with the SCBBBC.
This small lake reminds me of Pinto with its tullies every where. ( Totally a flippable kinda lake) with out the green pea soup smelly sh!t.

I caught a few fish tossing a buzzbait, delta money reap and dropshotting a purple thingy.

Once again a big congrats goes out to Daren on the win and the up coming pro star Carson R. you guys rock!

See you at the next BIG tourney The Delta Open July 9th. And 10th..

PS Yo Mike/Dan thanks for helping us out in the camping at State park. - bubble gum ;)

PSS I missed you Mr. Super Star Rich! :7

PSSS After weight-inns I elected to do a few flips off the -Killer- over the water rope swing. :P YEA!!! Love it! thanks guys

28733, RE: Highland Springs tourney (short report)
Posted by yotopia, Mon Jun-13-05 06:26 PM
Got two 2.5 by 6.45 AM using Spinner Chartreuse/White in 12-15 of water at about 10' (one got out of my follow-me but never again}( )

Also got Half dozen dinks, flipping watermelon/red small beaver and red/black jig with black/red flak chunk.

Could not find that fish that got out or another to put in the bag for the rest of the morning/day. Good job everyone else and glad that it was not a BIG ZERO for me!

Second time to fish Highland Springs, it’s nice, but so close to Clear Lake probably would prefer that with some camping before the Tournament! My six cents!


PS: Oh yea, where did this oar or no oar thingy come from? No Oars, almost a safety issue, what if something happened and you needed to get back quickly? I VOTE FOR OARS EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME!
28776, RE: Highland Springs tourney (short report)
Posted by Chris, Wed Jun-15-05 06:08 AM
Well, I have no report cuz I wasn't there. Believe it or not, I didn't know the tourney was on. Oops. x(

I'd have shown up if I knew it was going on.

The oars thing goes waaaay back. But I'm with you on this one. All oars, all the time. ;-)

28778, RE: Highland Springs tourney (short report)
Posted by bass to the end, Wed Jun-15-05 07:22 AM
oars all the way