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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectNaci check-in time change important
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=25813
25813, Naci check-in time change important
Posted by FIT, Thu Feb-03-05 09:19 AM
For those fishing this weekends tourney the check-in time has been changed to 5:45 AM. We will be launching around 6:15 which is before safe light so make sure you have a light, we need to be safe and seen on the water.

25824, RE: Naci check-in time change important
Posted by Bassin, Thu Feb-03-05 12:45 PM
Hey Paul,

What is the price for fishing both days with BnT if this is the only Tourney someone would be fishing this year with BnT, that is not a club member? There may be a couple of guys from down here that are checking this out....

Also, where is the launch point going to be at, the ramp or to the right of the marina? Yes, I realize these are only about 50 yards from each other...its just info for people not familiar with the Tournies..


25826, RE: Naci check-in time change important
Posted by FIT, Thu Feb-03-05 12:56 PM
The cost for BNT tourney is $20 entry and $5 Big Fish option per day, so if you were going to fish both days it would cost $30.

As for day one at Naci I am not sure where check in will be I have asked the question but have not received a clear answer; If someone from NKFT knows where check-in will be held can you please post it here.

As for day two at San Antonio we will do check-in and weigh-in at Harris Creek.
Check-in 6:00 am
Weigh-in 1:00 pm

25837, RE: Naci check-in time change important
Posted by Gordon, Thu Feb-03-05 05:43 PM
The lake is so high that it would be difficult to get to the other side of the marina (I'm not sure they would appreciate us off-roading across the grass in between the marina & the store). We may have to park in the "official" parking lot and launch on or near the ramp (the old road leading down to the lower launch, now underwater, comes to mind as a good place to launch).
25842, RE: Naci check-in time change important
Posted by largelips, Thu Feb-03-05 07:43 PM
Bryan the checkin will be as close to the main ramp as possible,,not to be in the way of any boats....B.J.
25844, RE: Naci check-in time change important
Posted by Bassin, Thu Feb-03-05 10:40 PM
That "old ramp" that Gordon is refering to is where I have been launching the last couple of weeks....It has room for a couple of cars off to the side that is out of the way of boaters. People can pull in, unload, then drive up to the parking lot (about 100ft away).

25846, RE: Naci check-in time change important
Posted by largelips, Fri Feb-04-05 07:50 AM
what up my fello fisherman....the day has come to start your engines and make the trek to the lake....I myself am finally healthy enough to go do some serious fishin!! I hope you all are to... We should be arriving around 630pm...Staying in cabin 17..I will have a banner out easy to find for those that may want to sign up tonight,,or as early as 4am just kidding..hahahaha....thought I would throw a knee slapper in there...Sorry for all the confusion guys,,first time for something like this for me, so can't wait to meet a lot of you!! LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!! Those bass don't know whats gonna hit'em.. And if anyone needs to get ahold of me for anymore questions call 6616190878 cell..BJ/NKFT Pres....thanks again.