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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectMiddle River
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=23899
23899, Middle River
Posted by BASSCAT, Thu Oct-21-04 05:50 PM
Anyone been out to Middle River lately ? Is the rock barrier still up ? ;)
23901, RE: Middle River
Posted by bassinzink, Thu Oct-21-04 07:00 PM
I was out there for a few hours on saturday morning and the barrier was still up, it should be coming down anytime now I would think.
23909, RE: Middle River
Posted by swampy, Fri Oct-22-04 07:10 AM
Paul I think they are taking the barrier down this weekend or next.Are you going to laumch out of rivers end?If so what day.I was planning launch out of there on sunday with the champion.Maybe we could hook up.If you are going sunday wouild you have a back seat open?
23908, RE: Middle River
Posted by Fishcat, Fri Oct-22-04 07:08 AM
Still up??? What's the story here? Is someone planning to bring down the rock barrier? or am I reading this wrong? confused fishcat.
23911, RE: Middle River
Posted by swampy, Fri Oct-22-04 07:14 AM
dave they take it down every year between mid october thru mid april.It's kinda nice that you can get a boat up there:7
23953, RE: Middle River
Posted by IFISH, Mon Oct-25-04 06:40 AM

IFISH say's,

Swampicus of maximus, Why do they do that to the beloved rock barrier ? Do they take it down, and re-build it for longevity purposes ? Just wondering....

23955, RE: Middle River
Posted by Lake, Mon Oct-25-04 07:54 AM
the barrier is used for irragation for the nearby fields. They take it down in the winter due to the strong currents caused by rain and snow run off. It will go back up in may
23963, RE: Middle River
Posted by IFISH, Mon Oct-25-04 09:21 AM

IFISH say's,

So, they take it down so debris and other crap doesn't get lodged on the barrier and flood the fields right ? I get it now, but what does that do to the fishing ?

23964, RE: Middle River
Posted by Lake, Mon Oct-25-04 09:40 AM
yah thats part of the reason

it changes the tides quite a lot and also changes the fishing. when it gets really cold and at the end of winter when the snow run off starts I wont even fish in there until it begins to warm up a bit