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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectInvitational Info
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=10894
10894, Invitational Info
Posted by aparsons, Thu Sep-26-02 03:25 PM
The SCBBBC's own William Perez put together some great info re: the Invitational, including stuff on lodging, restaurants, etc. You can check it out at:


Thanks, William!
10895, RE: Invitational Info
Posted by , Fri Sep-27-02 01:24 PM
thanks william, great job!
10896, RE: Invitational Info
Posted by KDOG, Sat Sep-28-02 01:15 PM
defiantly man, excellent job, gives ya soem good karma, hopefully enough to beat Andy's jungle karma :)

10897, RE: Invitational Info
Posted by aparsons, Sat Sep-28-02 03:36 PM
You can't stop Jungle Karma, K-dog. You can only hope to contain it.
10898, Very cool
Posted by Lake, Mon Sep-30-02 06:22 AM
Thanks William and thanks Andy for sharing it.

Does anyone have a list of who has all ready confirmed they will be there.
10899, List
Posted by Samurai TI, Mon Sep-30-02 06:36 AM
Here's the list so far. Let me know who else plans on attending!

1 Andy Parsons
2 Bill Sweatt
3 Binh Phi
4 Darce Caldwell
5 Dave Monteiro
6 Dave Ryle
7 Deren Kozenko
8 Elizabeth Couts
9 Eric Howard
10 Jamie McTaggart
11 John Lake
12 Mark Serrano
13 Mitch Teman
14 Paul Mibach
15 Rich Caro
16 Sal Castro
17 Steve Couts
18 Tad Montgomery
19 Todd Iwamoto
20 Travis Tarver
21 Steve Williams

10900, Everyone read the list
Posted by Lake, Mon Sep-30-02 06:44 AM
If your name isnt on this list and you plan to go speek up now. I will donate a tackle pack to the 1st 40 that sign up via email flipreaper@yahoo.com or post here.

Once you put up your reply that you will be there I will add you to the list and remove your post.

Andy Parsons
Bill Sweatt
Binh Phi
Darce Caldwell
Dave Ryle
Deren Kozenko
Elizabeth Couts
Eric Howard
Jamie McTaggart
John Lake
Mark Serrano
Mitch Teman
Paul Mibach
Rich Caro
Sal Castro
Steve Couts
Tad Montgomery
Todd Iwamoto

10901, RE: Everyone read the list
Posted by , Mon Sep-30-02 09:49 AM
I will be there and I'm going to weigh in at least one fish. Ha!

Hey John, why don't you start a new thread for the Official List. Invitational Entries instead of information. ??? Just a thot.
10902, RE: Everyone read the list
Posted by Lake, Mon Sep-30-02 10:16 AM
I was thinking about doing that as well and will do it in the morning

Good luck on getting that fish har,har
10903, Hey Steve...
Posted by Samurai TI, Mon Sep-30-02 12:52 PM
why don't you go big and catch TWO fish! One for each day. Like those Delta hogs you caught a while back. :-)
10904, RE: Hey Steve...
Posted by , Mon Sep-30-02 02:12 PM
Because I'm a realist....