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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectWaders
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=10247
10247, Waders
Posted by , Mon Aug-19-02 04:36 AM
I am going to buy some new waders and was wondering what the group thought about the breathable types of materials that they make waders out of now. I have a pair of neoprene waders that have seen their last days. I was pleased with these but was thinking of trying something new. Any help that you guys can give me would be great.

10248, RE: Waders
Posted by , Mon Aug-19-02 05:44 AM
I've got a pair of the breathable waders and really like them. They have lasted longer than any pair of neoperene waders I've bought, are comfortable, and I can wear plenty of warm stuff under them for the winter.

One possible problem is that they apparently are not meant to be submerged very deep. Water preasure will force water through. My brother bought a pair and he had problems with leaks when he used his float tube. As far as I know he has not had any problems with his kickboat as he sits higher out of the water.

So if you use a kickboat they should work for you. If you use a tube, ping my brother (Swampy) and ask about his experiences.
10249, Breathable!
Posted by Samurai TI, Mon Aug-19-02 07:05 AM
If you're going to go with a new pair definitely go with breathable. I'm not sure why Clint's bro' had problems but can assure you if you get a quality pair, they should not leak (if they do get them replaced!).

I've had them for 4+ years, and will do my best to not go back. I've stream fished them (and gotten almost to the top of my waders), float-tubed and kickboated without a problem. Occasionally they will spring a leak (like any waders) but since I got an Orvis pair I just bring them back to the shop and they replace them for free!

Lightweight, breathable, dry quickly and you can pack 'em up tight! No reason NOT to go with a breathable!

10250, Another recent convert...
Posted by jsmith, Mon Aug-19-02 08:37 AM
Yeah, the breathables are pretty cool -- especially on hot summer days! I have some Hodgman waist-hi's that I ordered off the internet for, like, $89 (plus $6 shipping). They're so much more comfortable on hot days. I really used to sweat in my neoprenes, but these waist-hi's are much better for keeping cool. I usually wear a pair of gym socks under the stocking-feet of the waders, since there seems to be a slight bit of moisture coming through, but the socks wick that up pretty well.

In the winter months, I'm sure I'll be able to 'layer up' underneath to stay warmer.

J-Bob say, "Go breathable -- yeah!"

10251, RE: Waders
Posted by , Mon Aug-19-02 03:10 PM
Thanks for your help, I am going to try out the Cabelas Dry Plus. This group is great.