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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectplanning a float down the feather
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=10060
10060, planning a float down the feather
Posted by swampy, Fri Aug-09-02 10:45 AM
Joe & I are planning a float down the great feather river on august 30th(fri.)This is a real fun time and a little different than what we usualy do.There should be some nice smallies as well as some big dog salmon(I hope).The last time I did this was a blast!even though i didn't catch too many fish.I think we're going to try to launch farther up river than last time.we're going to try getting up there on thursday to scope some launc-take out sites.If anyone else is interested keep posted and hopefully we can hook up.
swampus floatius maximus!
10061, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by FIT, Fri Aug-09-02 11:27 AM
I would love tou join the trip but I have a wedding that weekend.

Maybe next time

10062, The skinny on the Feather River
Posted by , Tue Aug-13-02 12:51 PM
OK here is the skinny on the Feather River. About two years ago I met a guy who for 12 years worked as a biologist on the Feather River and its water tributaries. Many times shocking the water and colleting data from fish. In this guys very own words “Eight pound Smallies were all so very common.” In fact he considered the Feather to be a hidden paradise haven for the bass. So in this said now you and everyone who reads this knows.

Please practice Catch and Release.

Leaving early AM Thursday August 29th.
Camping and returning Friday afternoon.

In hope of having a meeting point that works
for those who would like to participate in this trip.

I’m thinking HWY 12 and 99.
Isn’t there place to eat near by?
Steve? Anybody?

10063, RE: The skinny on the Feather River
Posted by mteman, Tue Aug-13-02 01:17 PM
Man, you guys are making me drool, 8lb smallies, I could handle that!
Unfortunatly I can't make this one. My son is turning 5 and we are throwing him a big party on the 30th. If and when you do it again I will NOT miss it. Mitch
10064, RE: The skinny on the Feather River
Posted by Mike F, Tue Aug-13-02 02:04 PM

I just remembered that I cannot make it on Labor Day. I have a wedding to attend, but I could do it in September.

Please hammer those huge bronzebacks for me. I'll look forward to a detailed report.

Mike F
10065, RE: The skinny on the Feather River
Posted by , Tue Aug-13-02 07:23 PM
Hwy 12 (Kettleman) and Hwy 99 has Taco Bell, McDonald's, Wendy's, Carrow's, and Denny's. All of them right at the freeway.

Where are you going to camp? What time is early am?
10066, RE: The skinny on the Feather River
Posted by , Wed Aug-14-02 05:11 AM
6:AM @ The Denny’s Hwy 12 and (Kettleman) off the 99
Sounds like a good place to meet ya Steve.

As far as the camping goes….
This is why were going up early on
Thursday to check it out.

If all else fails will get into a motel.

10067, RE: The skinny on the Feather River
Posted by , Wed Aug-14-02 06:29 AM
What city (area) of the Feather?? I can check out my campground maps. I just got my tent trailer, so camping can be easy. Give me the place and I can help out.
10068, RE: The skinny on the Feather River
Posted by , Wed Aug-14-02 08:37 AM
Look in or between Gridley and Live Oak please...
10069, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by , Wed Aug-14-02 10:04 AM
There is a campground a mile or so east of Live Oak. I think the trip all the way to Live Oak may be more distance than one may wish to cover in one day. I calculate approximately 7 to 9 miles. Depending on the flow, it takes the guides on the Moke 8 hours to do the 6.5 miles on that river.

If we camp at Live Oak and then find a 'take-out' spot a little north of there, we could easily make the trip without worrying about dying of exposure. If we have to, we can stay Friday night also. ORRRRRR,
we could drive back to my house, you guys stay in the trailer on Friday night, and then we get up early and float down the Moke on Saturday.

I think we need to talk on the phone. (SOON)
10070, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by swampy, Fri Aug-16-02 01:55 AM
Hey Joe,I think 6am on thurs is a tad early for me.I have a niner game the night before on the 28th and it's also my b-day so I'll need a little more sleep.how about 8-9 at the dennys?Also Clint will be joining us as well so we'll have to figure the truck thang.
Sorry about the little meowing but I just know I'll be getting in kinda late on wednsday night.This is going to be FUN!!!I can hardly wait to start floating with the current! Swampy
10071, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by , Fri Aug-16-02 04:15 AM
Wow! Swampus, Lzydeus, Clintium and Little Josepheti. Four of us sounds cool. Can't all sleep in the Trailer unless you're really, really close with Clint. We will be taking three trucks though. It won't work without three very easily. I can't wait, this is going to be some trip. Meeting between 8 am and 9 am is ok with me. I hate early mornings.
10072, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by swampy, Fri Aug-16-02 04:39 AM
Hey,he aint heavy he's my brother!I aint that close plus you guys don't want to be in the same trailer as me anyways.zzzzzz We'll be taking one truck from my place(I think)We can stack 4 boats in one truck.LoL I'll bring my truck matteress.
so will we see ya on sunday? swampy

10073, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by , Fri Aug-16-02 04:55 AM
Hi all,

My wife decided I've been a total grump lately and not only OK'ed my doing the float she WANTS me to do the float! Anyway, I expect to have a pretty busy and late Wednesday also so 8 or 9 would be a lot better than 6 for me too. If you all still want to do 6am I will probably just leave later and meet you up there.

I'm really looking forward to this! Any guidelines on what to bring fishing-wise? Dave said smallies and salmon. I can figure out the smallie part of things (I hope!) but have never fished for salmon in a river.
10074, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by , Sat Aug-17-02 01:53 AM
9 oclock is cool with me.
Meet @ the Denny's Hwy 12 (Kettleman Rd.) off 99

Baits for salmon, they can be caught on just about anything.
Even a bare hook with bead works.
I've been told large Mepps, Blue Fox inline spinners work.
Silver flat fish, Large Wiggle Warts. 12 to 17 pound test line works fine.
Of course we can stop at a local tackle store along the way.
Have them tell us the hot baits.

This is going to be fun...I can't wait!

10075, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by swampy, Sat Aug-17-02 03:03 AM
Cool,9.00 it is then.Do you know if we need a punch card for the salmon or if there are any special regs?
see ya on sunday,swampy
10076, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by anglerandy, Sat Aug-17-02 03:07 PM
hey guys this sounds like a badass plan. i might have to join you on this one. head up thurs night after work an sleep in my burban. keep me updated as to whats goin on cuz i would definently like to do this. get some young talent up there. if my dad'll let me. haha. ~Angler Andy
10077, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by , Sun Aug-18-02 02:06 PM
Would love to have you joing us, Andy. Tell your Dad that I'm an 'old guy' and will watch out for you. Keep tabs on this thread and we'll let you know what's going on.
10078, RE: planning a float down the feather
Posted by , Tue Aug-27-02 01:25 PM
If any one lurking the forum and care to join us.
Will most likely be staying @ the location below.
Wish you all can come out and join us...

The only thing... You need to provide your own BBQ (Smokey Joe)
Or share ours - They are redoing their grills this year
NO Fires allowed this time of year...:(


Name Contact (Dana) Riffles RV Park & Camping
Location: OROVILLE, CA
Phone 530-534-5550

# Sites 13 sites / Bathrooms - Hot showers (newly remodled)

Open: Open all year $12.50 a night per site
5 people to campsite / two cars per site
each additional car $10.00 a night.

Description: Fishing clubs welcome.
Shaded, grassy sites on the Feather River.

From jct Hwy 162 and Hwy 70: Go 1 mi S on Hwy 70,
then 1/8 mi S on Pacific Heights Rd. Entrance on right.

Apx. GPS Coords Lon: 121.55, Lat: 39.5