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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectI hit Calero after all - no bites, but...
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=25414&mesg_id=25451
25451, I hit Calero after all - no bites, but...
Posted by jsmith, Sun Jan-16-05 07:56 PM
I didn't get any, but it was good to get the Four Winns out again -- she fired right up, rarin' to go (whew)! Anyway, I didn't get any bites, but some other guys said they got a couple. One was on a jig, the other on a split-shot green weenie, anywhere between 10-20 feet deep (they weren't exactly sure), over by the rock wall. Others I talked to said they were blanked, as well. Beautiful day on the water, regardless.

I left a BnT card with a tuber in a u-boat out there. He may be stopping by here on the website. 'Clayton,' I think his name was? He said he had heard of our club. I think he said his brother fished one of our Opens at Clear Lake.

He said he wasn't fishing so much today, as he was playing with his new toy: a new AquaVu underwater camera. He didn't see any bass, but he did catch a view of some crappie or bluegill. Too bad -- I've caught a glimpse of some nice Calero bass with my Atlantis cam on occasion, here & there around the lake. One problem with the cameras, though: you end up cutting into your *fishing* time, plying the depths with the lens. It is kinda cool seeing what's down there, though -- and *really* cool when you see some nice fish cruising by!

Hey -- the EAGLE is back! Last fall when I saw him (her?), he was still all brown, but now he has the stark white head & tail. I saw him fly into a treetop in Oak Cove, & from there he just surveyed the whole inlet, for at least an hour & a half. I drove right beneath him in the boat, just checking him out. Man, those birds are so awesome to see in the wild. Nothin' beats it! Sure wish I coulda caught one & tossed it up on the shore to see if he'd EAT it! Now, *that* would've been impressive!

Maybe next time!