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Topic subjectSwimbating Oregon, and another major blow
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=8207
8207, Swimbating Oregon, and another major blow
Posted by Urban, Mon Aug-07-06 05:56 PM
Went to Oregon with my friend Chris Hinckley to see if we could get a few Oregon fish on swimbaits. Had a great time, caught some up to 6 plus, missed a bunch (tail biters), and Chris dumped a 7 plus. The place has potential, but Chris always knew that. Sooner or later I think one of us will stick a double d up there.

Heres the blow part. After fishing the first night we laid down in our tents at 7 am (it was a 3 day night fishing trip). We leaned all our poles against the trailer that was right next to the door of the tent. Im talking two feet from my head. We had all the air flaps open. We wake up at noon to discover that of the six rods, two were stolen. Yep, both were mine and they were the only swimbait rods I own. I cant believe somebody had the ba*** to walk right up to our tent and do that in broad daylight, and I cant believe one of us didnt hear them doing it!! Just a reminder that just when you think you are safe... oh well. Im sure gonna miss that brand new G-Loomis I had. The thought of some tweaker carrying that rod around, even touching it, just kills me. Oh yeah, I also lost my original Slammer, the one I caught my first double d on (it was tied on to one of the rods). That bait swam so sweet!!

Considering the stuff that has happened to me in the last few months, this may be the last straw. One thing for sure is I wont be fishing anytime soon. Ok, Im done whining ;(
8208, RE: Swimbating Oregon, and another major blow
Posted by baiter, Mon Aug-07-06 08:27 PM
I guess you guys weren't the only swimbait fishermen up there? :-(

If you lived closer to San Diego i would have given you a good deal on a Crucial XH.

That's one reason i watch my gear like a hawk when i'm on overnight trips etc....

well the only positive thing to say is that if you're a tackle hoe, then you have a new reason to buy a couple more swimbait setups
8209, RE: Swimbating Oregon, and another major blow
Posted by magmaster, Tue Aug-08-06 11:35 AM
Were you guys fishng the river or a lake with the swimbaits? I'll be up in Oregon in October and I have tred them in the past. I managed one 2 pounder on a swim bait and that was after a few hours of throwing it.
8210, RE: Swimbating Oregon, and another major blow
Posted by Lake, Tue Aug-08-06 12:01 PM
that hella sux steve, one this I do when I have to leave my rods against my tent is lean them up against a pole of the tent by my head. Tie them up to the pole with a small black strap so if anyone grabs them the tent will move. I guarantee someone is going to leave that area with a mouthful of blood.
8213, RE: Swimbating Oregon, and another major blow
Posted by Urban, Tue Aug-08-06 05:59 PM
Well John, normally I take the appropriate measures. I usually run them through my cab and out through the back window, then lock the cab doors. I have a cap on my truck so that works. Then I sleep under the cap and the rods are above my head. This trip we went in my buddys truck with no cap. The rest of our gear fit in the truck, and we felt our rods would be safe right next to our heads. Unbelievable, I ALWAYS take precautions; the one time I dont Im out all my swimbait setups. Even if we had just tied the rods together with fishing line then to the trailer or tent everything would have been fine.

On the following nights what we did was roll the passenger window down slightly then insert the 8 foot rods through the driver side and out the barely open window. It worked and I dont know why we didnt do it the night before. Oh well, its just money, right?

Bloody lip or mouth? Thats right, I do remember you being a nice person. I was thinking more along the lines of dislocated elbow and broken bones.
8214, RE: Swimbating Oregon, and another major blow
Posted by bassindon69, Tue Aug-08-06 06:43 PM
This is way to sad. I know I would be going NUTS!! We need to start a Urban Rod and reel fund. I donate 10 Bucks. If we can get 19 more you can get a Okuma rod and a Cardiff reel ;-)
Any more takers?

Just trying to help ya out buddy.

8215, RE:Hell, money is tight but ...
Posted by bassindon69, Tue Aug-08-06 06:52 PM
I don't want to sound like a cheep bass turd either. LOL! I will put another 10 in. now 18 more people to go.

8217, RE:Hell, money is tight but ...
Posted by supermat, Tue Aug-08-06 11:36 PM
10 bucks?!? He can fend for himself for that kind of money! }( :P My offer still stands... let me know when you get desperate enough to accept.

8218, RE: Swimbating Oregon, and another major blow
Posted by dockboy, Wed Aug-09-06 10:25 AM
Yo Urban, sorry to hear about your rods man. Can't believe someone would have the cojones to steal them in broad friggin' daylight. I mean. I've lost $100 skate shoes and much more at the beach to creeps like that but a Loomis! Really sucks.
With the other guys starting up their donation thing, I'll make an offer. You said you lost two rods, right? Well. I can't donate for a reel but here it goes. I'll make you a custom swimbait rod of your choice for only the price of the blank. I would paid for the price of all the components(guides, handle, reel seat,etc.). I know it's not a Loomis but it's my best offer. Send me a PM or e-mail me if you're interested, I would really like to help you out. Good luck man.
8220, RE: Swimbating Oregon, and another major blow
Posted by MountainBass, Wed Aug-09-06 01:18 PM
Doesnt that suck?
I once had over $1000 worth of rods and reels stollen from me right off the boat dock at chabot (3 loomis/curodo combos!!). It was horrible. And if it werent for the generosity of a friend I may not have gotten back into the sport. Bobby barrack strait up gave me 2 lamiglasses and a cameron right out of his garage! Isnt that awesome. Its great to see people still care. So if you guys are serious about takin 10$ donations, you can count me in. You'de do the same right? :-)
8229, RE: Swimbating Oregon, and another major blow
Posted by BIGUN, Mon Aug-14-06 08:07 AM
urban, I will gladly donate 20.00 towards getting you up and running again. Give me an addy to send it to and I will get it in the mail asap. I feel terrible about this as I am from Oregon- I swear this almost never happens! Plus I have learned so much from all of you guys. Also, since there are so few swimbaiters up here, could I keep an eye out for your gear? Let me know whatever I can do and give me your address to send $ to......sorry, buddy!