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Forum nameTrophy Fishing Forum
Topic subjectWhat kinds of areas to throw swimbaits?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=6841
6841, What kinds of areas to throw swimbaits?
Posted by stumpy041486, Fri Aug-12-05 11:50 AM

I fish a private lake that is around 800 acres and has lots of trophy bass in it....rumor has it that Paul Elias caught a 16+lb bass this year out of it...the lake record before that was around 14.5 lbs....big fish are a common thing from this lake( even though i havent gotten a 10+ yet)...so i figured swimbaits should work....i do alot of night fishing here and i was thinking that maybe a slammer or something might work good at night here.....but where should i try and fish the lure? wwhat depth? rocks? trees?

6842, RE: What kinds of areas to throw swimbaits?
Posted by Jeremyfisher, Fri Aug-12-05 12:04 PM

First things first. What is the water clarity? What is the forage? How deep? Is it rocky, with some docks? Or is it grassy? Slammer is so versatile that I am sure it would do some damage under the right conditions. But before saying anything I would have to know more of the lakes conditions to know what would work best.
6843, RE: What kinds of areas to throw swimbaits?
Posted by Lightninrod, Fri Aug-12-05 12:39 PM
Are you in a boat or fishing from the shore?

Bigger Bass may come shallow at night so retrieving a Slammer towards the shore may work. You are presenting the bait in a vulnarable position then; it can't go 'up' and it can't go 'down' as it approaches the shoreline so a Bass has less to 'worry' about trapping the bait

6845, RE: What kinds of areas to throw swimbaits?
Posted by stumpy041486, Fri Aug-12-05 12:56 PM

thanx for the quick replys....the water clarity is not very good at all...just a couple of feet....it has some rocks, some grass(they poisoned most of it), it has depths from 30 feet up, it has lots of piers....forage...there are shad, bream(bluegill, red ears), crappie, and any native fish that came frome the creeks that were dammed...i fish from a boat also...maybe i answered all of your questions....i might also counsider other swimbaits also...i alread have a matt's bluegill and bass and a 3:16 bluegill....but i have not fished them there much

6846, RE: What kinds of areas to throw swimbaits?
Posted by swimbait, Fri Aug-12-05 01:00 PM
har, this is an easy question. No, I'm not joking...

Big bass live in the most obvious places. The biggest points, the deepest ledges, the biggest laydowns, the biggest docks, the biggest island tops, the longest flats, the biggest grass beds, the biggest boulders etc etc. The more obvious it is, the more likely a big bass will be there. The thing is, the big bass that live on obvious spots are big for a reason - because they're smart. On an 800 acre lake, you can fish all the obvious spots in a day or two. Over time you'll hone in on which of the obvious spots hold fish and at what times of year. Once you fish a lake enough, its not a question of where they are, its a question of how to get them to bite. Don't over-analyze the spots, fish the obvious stuff. If you're not getting bait, change tactics, don't fish junk water.
6847, RE: What kinds of areas to throw swimbaits?
Posted by magmaster, Fri Aug-12-05 01:29 PM
Look for ambush spots, somewhere the bass can hide and wait for prey to come by. The slammer at night up tight to the bank and around structure. Any points where the water goes from deep to shallow in short distance or any deep structure. The possibilities are endless...