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Topic subjectNew PR
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=1410
1410, New PR
Posted by , Wed Jul-24-02 09:22 AM
I was able to get an 11.90 during a tournamnet at Isabella last weekend. It beat by previous best fish of 11.42 and 10.80, which came from the same spot. It ate a watermelon Senko in 3' of water. I'm waiting for pictures.
1411, RE: New PR
Posted by SJ, Wed Jul-24-02 09:43 AM
Can't wait to see those pics...

It's amazing how many fish are caught with senkos and I have yet to catch a fish with one. I've had a two bites and I've gone through about four bags of senkos over a period of time...

Everyone says they're easy to use... I must be senko impaired or something...

I've caught fish on jigs, detecting some pretty subtle bites... but something tells me I'm not detecting senkos bites or something.
1412, RE: New PR
Posted by , Wed Jul-24-02 12:53 PM
Are you useing smelly jelly? texposed 3/0 or 5/0 gamagatsu ewg? Next thing I can think of is maybe waiting a reallllly long time and then a pull and waiting a realllllly long time etc. SoCal is tuff on a good senko bite {south of Lopez}but keep at it or go north young man!

1413, RE: New PR
Posted by SJ, Thu Jul-25-02 03:43 AM
I've used 3/0, 4/0 and 5/0 EWG Gamies w/ pro cure crawfish...
1414, RE: Senkos
Posted by jsmith, Thu Jul-25-02 08:48 AM
Scott --

Try wacky-rigging 'em -- toss it to the shore near some cover, dead-stick it & just wait for that line to jump! I've caught so many that way, I can't believe a seasoned bass fisherman like yourself hasn't caught a single fish on one.

Of course, I was doing alot better on Senko's *earlier* in the season myself, too. If not for reports like John Lake's, on his 9.04 'Big Fish' catch at the Bass-n-Tubes Delta tourney this past weekend, I might say that the Senko bite might be a little tougher right now, but how can I make an argument like that, with guys going around getting SLAMMED on 'em as we speak?

Maybe it's the conditions you're fishing 'em under. I'd say the Senko would work better at the Delta than, say, Coyote or Calero right now -- any place with tules or any kind of shoreline cover. I threw one at Calero for a couple of hours last Monday without a strike. It wasn't til I switched to a crankbait that I finally started getting some action.

In any case, try that wacky-rig, before you consider giving up on 'em entirely (costly as they may be to replace)!

1415, RE: Senkos
Posted by SJ, Thu Jul-25-02 09:47 AM
I'm not Scott, but I assume you're talking to me... and I'm a rookie bass fisherman. But thanks just the same for the tips. I've read several tips on here over the past few months and I have yet to stick a fish on a senko. I'll keep trying and wacky rigging will be my next method.
1416, Oops -- sorry!
Posted by jsmith, Thu Jul-25-02 11:58 AM
I was thinking you were 'Scot in SJ,' who I met out at Coyote a few months back (the day I caught my 11.5'er!). Sorry for the confusion.

1417, RE: Senkos at Calero
Posted by Wade, Sat Jul-27-02 08:35 AM
It's funny that you should say you wouldn't think the bass would be hitting Senko's at Calero. On Wed night that was the only thing that got bit, other than when a 2#r pulled my Frogzilla under by one leg as I was looking for the next lure to throw. When I first got there I got a 4.75#r on my 4th cast and a 3.5#r on my next cast, after that I was thinking this is going to be an awesome night, but the rest of the night (from 7 to midnight), I got 3 short hits on the 7"Senko. They wouldn't seem to touch anything else, not even the 5" Senkos.

Tight lines,
1418, RE: New PR
Posted by jsmith, Thu Jul-25-02 08:50 AM
Congrats, Bill! A catch like that is always exciting, but to do it in a tournament makes it that much SWEETER!

Let's see that pic!

1419, RE: Congrats !!!!!! :-)
Posted by Fish Chris, Fri Jul-26-02 06:09 PM
Very nice fish, any time, any place !
Continued success to you !

Fish Chris