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Forum nameTrophy Fishing Forum
Topic subjectWhat trout plug produces the most fish?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=1180
1180, What trout plug produces the most fish?
Posted by , Thu Apr-25-02 06:47 AM
I was wondering what trout plug is your favorite? I'm contemplating on which on to buy and at $30 per plug, it's not like i'm gonna buy 3 at one time and try them all out. I would also like to know which one you have found catches the most fish? Thanks guys as i would like to try it out this weekend at perris.

1181, RE: What trout plug produces the most fish?
Posted by Nico, Thu Apr-25-02 07:46 AM
The swimbait that's gotten the most attention from the fish for me has been the 10 and 12 inch super flimsy Optimums. They have to be re-tuned about every 10 casts, and reglued together every fishing trip though. I've bout had enough of it.

Your best bang for the buck would probably be either a Castaic Trout, M.S. Slammer, or pro-rigged Osprey Talon. They all are proven fish catchers and are reasonably durable. None of them are better than the other.


1182, RE: What trout plug produces the most fish?
Posted by swimbait, Thu Apr-25-02 07:48 AM

If you are looking for a lure that is a proven fish catcher at Perris I would say consider a basstrix, osprey, or generic trout. All of those lures have caught a number of big bass at Perris in the past. There certainly is no "best trout plug" out there. Each plug fills a niche and has it's own specific applications.

For example, you have the surface or slightly sub-surface running baits like the AC Plug, MS Slammer, Generic Trout, and Castaic Trout. If the fish will come up and hit it on top, those are good bets. In the deep water and sinking category you have stuff like the Optimum, Basstrix, Mission Fish, and others. And then there is the Osprey and the Eagle which are sort of a mid-range baits that can be worked deep or shallow. Some days you might nail them on top and some days you might get them down deep (especially at a lake like Perris).

I know that's not a clear answer but hopefully it will get you thinking about where you expect you might get bit (top, middle, or deep) and based on that you can narrow it down some.

1183, RE: What trout plug produces the most fish?
Posted by CJ, Thu Apr-25-02 08:12 AM
Though I don't fish Perris much myself, I can tell you without a doubt that the single best fish producer in big baits is the 7" Osprey. The most popular color seems to be the Light Rainbow, but all the Rainbow Trout colors will produce. The thing you get with the Osprey is attention from bass of any size. Some big baits have a knack for producing lunkers only, but the 7" Osprey will catch bass from 2 lbs. all the way up to as big as they get. It is also a very user friendly bait to throw: not too heavy, works best on a slow, easy retrieve, and gets a lot of looks, which will keep you throwing it until that first bass bites. The Pro-Rig set-up will help dramatically in getting a bait that will swim straight, and will hook fish with the highest of percentages.
1184, RE: What trout plug produces the most fish?
Posted by , Thu Apr-25-02 08:23 AM
thanks for the replys everyone. I'm really thinking of going to perris on sunday especially if it rains. I've heard the big girls get active when it rains. What would you guys throw in the rain? (surface, subsurface, or deep). Also considering how much stickups and underwater trees there are, do you get hung up a lot? I would be either scared to throw the deep ones or not have much confidence in throwning them deep.