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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectIsland Tak, 4/20
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=9547
9547, Island Tak, 4/20
Posted by calicobass, Sun Apr-20-03 10:06 PM
We chartered the Island Tak for 4/20. Started out at Anacapa fishing the gray. It seemed EVERY boat in the fleet was out there! We were all hoping the WSB would be on the chew again; needless to say we were all pretty excited!

We started our drift,...nothing. We repositioned...nothing. This was the drill for the better part of 1 1/2 hrs. Steve was metering lots of fish, but none of them wanted to cooperate. Nobody else was hooking up either. We did however see a private boater on a POS land a nice 30# class WSB...the only problem was that this guy KEPT FISHING!!! We were kind enough to inform this fellow that the limit is 1--judging by his hand gestures, I don't think he appreciated our goodwill.

On a side note: It was very obvious what parts of the Anacapa were closed...almost as if there was an imaginary line drawn on the water. We were all hoping to reap the benefits of the infamous "spill-over effect" that all the kelphuggers keep talking about--yeah right!

Anyway, we decided to move to the other side of Anacapa and try for some calicos....only got 1. Then we moved to Santa Cruz to try our luck over there...just as bad. All in all, for the entire boat we got 3 white fish (released), 1 ling (released), 1 calico (released), and 2 sculpin (released).