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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectFished La Jolla last two days
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=9414
9414, Fished La Jolla last two days
Posted by Quietman, Tue Apr-01-03 02:08 PM
The WSB bite is going off big time for the kayakers. (like me!)

But I lost both the brutes I hooked, farmed one, popped the other off on a nicked line.

But I took these pictures of two of the luckier guys for your enjoyment. I'll be on the other side of the camera soon.



wishing I was in the picture...

9419, RE: Fished La Jolla last two days
Posted by hithelip, Tue Apr-01-03 07:43 PM
such nice fish! you must have been bummin about those misses. hang in there man, you'll get yours.
9421, RE: Fished La Jolla last two days
Posted by NICKJ, Tue Apr-01-03 09:30 PM
WOW! Those are some hogs. Any idea's on how much they weighed? Cant wait to see yours when you stick one.
9423, RE: Fished La Jolla last two days
Posted by bearcat, Tue Apr-01-03 09:35 PM
I cannot believe the size of these bullies!! When you get a fish this size, would the fish toll your little kayak around and maybe even flip it?
9424, RE: Fished La Jolla last two days
Posted by swimbait, Tue Apr-01-03 09:40 PM
Those are some big boys. Looks like 30lb material :) You're gonna get them quietman.
9426, RE: Fished La Jolla last two days
Posted by Quietman, Tue Apr-01-03 11:35 PM
The one in the botom picture went 56.9 on a certified sportfishing scale. The top one I don't know.

going again wednesday...

9427, RE: Fished La Jolla last two days
Posted by PHISHuntR, Wed Apr-02-03 12:23 AM
...WOW!!THose are some brute croaker!Must of been somthin else tangleing with those dudes in a yak!!! Im sure youll be back!Persistance always pays off!! :) Hope yours is 60!... KEEP EM BENT!!!

9430, RE: Fished La Jolla last two days
Posted by Croaker Catcher, Wed Apr-02-03 01:01 PM

It's good to know you're alive and fishing. I've been working your home waters for the past week and didn't see you once.

As far the WSB are concerned...better the ocean than Elvis, right?


9434, RE: Fished La Jolla last two days
Posted by Quietman, Wed Apr-02-03 03:28 PM
Hey CC-

I been fishing La Jolla cuz of the bite, and the last couple of times I did dana I went to the point for bass and macks, doheny has been slow on the flatties since the storm.

I've also done the harbor a few times, but only caught endless stupid short slime sticks.

9435, RE: Fished La Jolla last two days
Posted by TBrumfield, Wed Apr-02-03 05:43 PM
Great WSB's! I'll be waiting to see your WSB pics soon Quietman!