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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectBummed and Bored so I will post this for therapy
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=8493
8493, Bummed and Bored so I will post this for therapy
Posted by Aztecwin, Sun Dec-15-02 08:26 PM
I haven't fished since the 7th of this month and I'm going through serious withdrawl symptoms. Came down with a really nasty cold that I probably caught at work and it really laid me out for the weekend. No Fishing.

Now it appears there is a moderately powerful Pacific Storm that is headed in our direction that is supposed to touch down on tuesday to be followed by a sequel over the weekend. Damn! By the time things settle down, I'm thinking I may lose my memory on how to cast in the surf!

I feed off the others on this board with info regarding the surf. Keep the reports coming guys! Thanks!

Fear no Fish! :D

8495, RE: Bummed and Bored so I will post this for therapy
Posted by Quietman, Sun Dec-15-02 09:32 PM
Get well soon Aztecwin...

I could HEAR the surf while I was wearing out my drag on the halibut, sounded scary...

8499, RE: Bummed and Bored so I will post this for therapy
Posted by Aztecwin, Mon Dec-16-02 07:07 AM
>Get well soon Aztecwin...
>I could HEAR the surf while I was wearing out my drag on the
>halibut, sounded scary...
Thanks for the sympathy Quiteman. I'm feeling much stronger today. Thats a beautiful Flattie you're holding up in your "attack" post! Congratulations!

Fear no Fish! :D
8497, Surf When It's Big!
Posted by TBrumfield, Sun Dec-15-02 10:51 PM
Fun peaky overhead a-frames yesterday at Dana Point. MUCH bigger today...about 5 to 7 feet with occasional larger set. And yes Chris H's was going off...I only got about 5 waves there but 2 were great! Got crowded (about 2o people out) so I tried another break down the beach. Took me about a half hour to get through the whitewash which was tiring. Caught a few bombs, but most were closing out at the low tide. Please be careful if fishing from rocks or jetties as it is BIG now!