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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectSeal huggers get a show at the Farralon Islands!
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=8162
8162, Seal huggers get a show at the Farralon Islands!
Posted by Chris, Fri Nov-01-02 05:59 PM

"Morning meal: The way we heard it . . . Members of the Marin Mammal Center, a fantastic organization made up mostly of volunteers, recently were part of a chartered nature trip on one of the local party boats. They brought two sea lion pups, which were to be released into the ocean at the Farallon Islands. Beautiful, calm day, and the skipper pulled up to the islands between the southeast anchorage buoy and the hoist. The first seal went into the water and swam a little ways from the boat. Then the second. Then the skipper and about everyone else saw the shark -- great white, big, 17 to 18 feet -- slide out from under the boat and come up under the sea lion that had just been released. A swirl, a splash, the pup was gone. Next thing they saw was a slight disturbance just under the ocean surface, on a beeline for the first sea lion. Swirl. Splash. Not so much as a stain left on the water. The folks on the boat, naturally, were horrified. The shark, naturally, was doing only what sharks do. The skipper: "I've been running these trips for years, and this is the first time it's happened. It was very unfortunate, but that shark was in the right place at the right time. I guess."
8163, RE: Seal huggers get a show at the Farralon Island
Posted by bassnet, Fri Nov-01-02 07:00 PM
I beg to differ- that little mammal was in the right place at the right time!!! Gracias to the tree huggers for feeding the man in the grey suit, perhaps he will be full the next time he swims near me in the water. Glad to see that the food chain is still in order, despite the ridiculous goings on in California. Maybe we can float Mr. Davis out on a raft at the Farralons, see if they buy his BS
8164, RE: Seal huggers get a show at the Farralon Island
Posted by Aztecwin, Fri Nov-01-02 07:08 PM

Read it on another website a few weeks ago.

When I was in the Coast Guard back in the early 70's we had some divers do a hull inspection on my Cutter : USCGC Resolute (WMEC-620) off the Islands. We had Spoters and Sharp Shooters on the Bridge and Flying Bridge. I was a Quartermaster in the Wheelhouse and very hep about Great Whites.

I was a nervous wreck while the divers were inspecting our rudder system .( Variable Pitch Screws) Thank Divinity , nothing came down. That was 1973. Two years before the release of JAWS.
8165, RE: Seal huggers get a show at the Farralon Island
Posted by bassnet, Fri Nov-01-02 10:16 PM
How about those ab divers at Farralon, and stuff, up there- one diver got munched at Santa Cruz or one of the channel islands a couple of years back, that is sketchy- Can you imagine the guys who shoot tuna around Guadalupe? More white sharks there then BMW's in OC- Those guys (and girls) from Riffe are nuts, hard core mano y mano fishing- I guess Julie Riffe has nailed makos?? wow...
8166, RE: Seal huggers get a show at the Farralon Island
Posted by TBrumfield, Sat Nov-02-02 02:11 PM
That reminds me of the time when a buddy and I caught some polliwogs when I was a little kid. Raised a few of them into frogs over a month or two period. Then drove up to Lake Laguna Niguel to let them go. Unfortunately a bluegill ate them right in front of my eyes in about 5 seconds after I let them go!?