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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subject24lb sheephead
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=14217
14217, 24lb sheephead
Posted by swimbait, Wed Nov-08-06 10:02 AM
Captain Jason on the Stardust called me last week to tell me about a monster sheephead they caught on the 3/4 day trip. The fish weighed 24lbs! Jason said it was the 2nd largest sheephead he's ever seen. Get a load of this:

14218, RE: 24lb sheephead
Posted by magmaster, Wed Nov-08-06 12:42 PM
Damn that thing is a toad! I have only seen one big sheepshead like that and it was speared.
14219, RE: 24lb sheephead
Posted by Riffly, Thu Nov-09-06 07:11 AM
Sure it's big and there are few more out there like it; but why take it or spear it.These are prime survior stock. My finger stayed off the trigger on many shots this past summer on fish of this size along the Hollister Ranch Coast. Many times it was the same fish. These big fish take years to get that size and where they are at. The scarey result of spearing one of these fish is that you won't see one again in that area for many years.
They are protected commercially at this size and the sport takers should be doing the same. LEW Riffle
14220, RE: 24lb sheephead
Posted by magmaster, Thu Nov-09-06 08:38 AM
I didn't shoot it but I know the guy that did. Unfortunately we all can't be conservationists...
14221, RE: 24lb sheephead
Posted by bassnet, Thu Nov-09-06 09:10 PM
Nice goat! Trophy for sure- props to the guys that can hold their breath and shoot big goats, that's a skill. Takes talent to get a big goat, with the spear or the hook.

Riffly, I have to agree with you, I feel the same way about big calicos -