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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectsharks
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13365
13365, sharks
Posted by catfisher, Sun May-29-05 09:55 PM
weres the best beach/bay to fish from a floatube, kayake,or kick baot, to catch descent size leopards and smoothhound sharks, and ive heard thresher fishing is good around santa monica pier, is this true?

i love all animals

they taste great!!!
13366, RE: sharks
Posted by cst, Tue May-31-05 07:02 PM
venice is good for smoothhounds, bat rays, shovelnoses and many other types of sharkss. i'd try that pier if i were you. its either called Venice Pier or Washington Pier.
13372, RE: sharks
Posted by Tm Customs, Wed Jun-01-05 01:22 PM
Try cutting your feet and tubing the salt I bet you'll get some sharks :+