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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectMonterey Bay Hali's?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=11532
11532, Monterey Bay Hali's?
Posted by Wade, Thu Feb-26-04 01:10 PM
Has anyone gotten any hali's anywhere in he bay lately?
Tight lines,
11533, RE: Monterey Bay Hali's?
Posted by salmonoid 1, Thu Feb-26-04 04:46 PM
The only halis I have read about recently (before the storm) in your area (but maybe too far away for your tube) at the Bayside Marine web site and in WON are:

1. 8 lb at 80 feet near Lighthouse, 2/20

2. 3 caught near Natural Bridges, 2/18 (alternatively reported to be 2/11)

3. 1 at 70-80 ft near South Rock

4. "A few" , unclear whether South Rock or Natural Bridges, 1/4.

Where is South Rock? I also have heard of 4 Mile Beach, but can you tell me where that is?

Good luck, halis are needed between rockfish season and salmon season up your way, and all spring and summer. Let's hope for wsb also.

11537, RE: Monterey Bay Hali's?
Posted by Wade, Fri Feb-27-04 08:41 AM
I could be wrong on this but, I think South Rock is between Natural Bridges and Lighthouse Pt. I'm also pretty sure 4-Mile is from the South Jetty at Moss Landing south to the Soldiers Club. I'm still learning some of the local names. Sounds like most of the activity was on the outside in fairly deep water, atleast for Hali's. That's too sketchy for my Kick even with the outboard.
Tight lines,
PS Anyone care to correct me?