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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectRE: Goleta Beach 6/7 and 6/8. late report.
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=9953&mesg_id=9960
9960, RE: Goleta Beach 6/7 and 6/8. late report.
Posted by Donblaze420, Tue Jun-10-03 08:35 PM
I launch at the end of Goleta Beach Parking lot, west of the pier towards UCSB. I caught my legals 50 yards or so off the rock slab. If you are looking straight out you will notice a bigger sized kelp bed. Behind it is a nice sandbar thats can hold alot of fish pending conditions.But the rock itself can be very productive for BSP and Halibut. I caught my 34" inch there last year from the rock. It was a little hairy gettin down to an area to land it though. The day before was a horrible day. I hooked up with a very nice fish (Till this day I think it was the same fish! Not likely I know) and jumped down to the rocks to the left of the slab and as soon as my foot hit, I slipped, fell, dropped my pole, broke the reel off and needless to say lost the fish! Ouch. That hurt. Anyways, you can also try the beach over by the steps by the Biology building. I have caught Halies along that stretch of beach on the 3"inch baits. Goodluck. Hope to see you out there.