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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectRE: Albacore everywhere!!!
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=3264&mesg_id=3268
3268, RE: Albacore everywhere!!!
Posted by , Mon Sep-10-01 12:36 PM
Haha! Isn't that the truth about fishing. No one unless your a fisherman will understand that when you come back empty handed its not the end of the world. Just means go back out there and try, try, try again. The first time I dunked a bait it maybe went 5 feet down and slam! The spool starts tearing out line. I put my thumb on it and nearly got burned. When I took my thumb off, I got a nasty birdsnest. I still had the fish on and decided to reel in anyway before I get sawed ect. The captain saw my problem and tried to assist but no luck... The guy next to me had color on his fish and my fish b-lined straight to his causing me to get sawed.... Oh well... You win some and lose the majority! haha...

My gratitude goes out to the captain, his son, and crew for presenting a total professional operation. Seeing it as my first time on an overnighter I never had a better night sleep. As soon as I get that refund check from the government I will try to get out on a tuna boat again. Maybe next time I will be posting about eating my first tuna heart.

Thanks jizames for driving! Marko, where's those pic's?
