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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectSB
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=267&mesg_id=268
268, SB
Posted by brian, Tue May-23-00 07:09 AM
JT,<BR> the harbor has been really excellent lately. right at the base of the wharf has been producing some halibut for a couple weeks now. small lures seem to be key because most of the fish are short with an occasional legal. 3 inch baits seem to catch more fish than bigger baits but i was getting bit on 5" the last time i was there. in the evening try the bait barge for some white seabass. i was throwing a rebel fastrac minnow and got hit 3 times on it but only connected with one WSB. also try the end of the breakwater and the sand bar for some halibut/WSB. a couple weeks ago my friend and i were getting bit in deeper water next to the wharf, just inside the buoy line. good luck.<BR> -Brian<BR>