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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectCasitas 4/13-4/15
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=9297
9297, Casitas 4/13-4/15
Posted by ROOKIEFISH, Tue Apr-15-03 05:52 PM
Fished Casitas Sunday, Monday, Tuesday with ever-changing weather conditions. Sunday was rain and wind and no fish on the hook. Actually saw a bunch of follower on swim-baits and crankbaits but no takers. Sight fishing was not possible due to rain and wind rippling the water.
Monday was dry, cold, and cloudy. The clouds were so heavy that they caused a bright reflection on the water. The rain on Sunday had also caused the water to be murky with a green tinge. Fished all morning with only a few strikes and one hook up (spit out a crank minnow). Very frustatrting!!!!
Tuesday, Finally clear skies, sunshine, and dry clothing. Hit the island (mostly covers and shallows) from about 7 am to 1 pm. Had a bit more luck than the previous two days but only 1 fish landed. 1-2 pound male that took a split shotted bass assassin (yeah I was desperate) and ran pretty hard. There was also a bigger fish on the same nest (I assume the female?) who grabbed something I threw at her and ran with it but managed to spit it out when she jumped straight up out of the water. Tried throwing all kinds of things at her but couldn't get her to take it.

Summary: One fish landed a few hook ups, a lot of fun despite crappy weather and pretty crappy fishing! (I gave my dad a hard time about moving the trip from last week to this week---told him people were landing big ones left and right last week)......