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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectLopez or Santa Margarita?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=2103
2103, Lopez or Santa Margarita?
Posted by , Sat Nov-17-01 01:18 PM
How are each of these lakes doing for trout? i finally have some time off and i'd like to go out to either of these lakes. im bound to shore (argh) so are there any areas i could try? im aware that both of these lakes have had recent trout plants but im not sure how anglers are doing out there. . so any information would be greatly appreciated.
2104, RE: Lopez or Santa Margarita?
Posted by Phil, Sat Nov-17-01 03:37 PM
I've always done better at Lopez for trout. I don't know how guys are doing right now, but the recent plants should be kicking things into gear. I'd say that Cottonwood cove is probably your best bet. The best bait to use would probably be an inflated crawler or rainbow powerbait. Experiment with both, sometimes they'll hit one and not the other. Roostertails and small rapalas work well also. Also, if you don't get bit in like 20 minutes or so, walk down the bank and try different spots. At times, i've sat and watched guys reeling them in while I got nothing and vice versa. So changing locations can definetly improve your catch.-Phil
2105, RE: Lopez or Santa Margarita?
Posted by zacharooni, Mon Nov-19-01 05:39 PM
Well I would love to give you some advice as to what is better but I have never been to Lopez. As for Margarita they are getting plants every 2 weeks now. The next one should be this week some time. I would stick to the same baits that he said and maybe bring some marshmellows for a little marshmellow crawler combo in case nothinz workin for the kid. Sometimes they wont touch a crawler and wont touch a mellow but put the together and wammo. With these many plants and no boat I would try to stay around the boat launch area if you are looking for some place to start. At least till you figure out what they are eating. Chovies and Mackerel up the left side from the boat launch are killing the cats if you are intersted especially if it starts raingng they are going to be in thick around there. Let us know how ya do....

Oh yeah one more lure..panther martin in a gold top and black and yellow dotted body....

Z-Man out