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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectDiscovery Lake, 10-25-01
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=2002
2002, Discovery Lake, 10-25-01
Posted by AmishEd, Thu Oct-25-01 07:57 PM
Hit it after work and got a nice evening bite. 6:30 - 8:30pm. 6 LM to 3#, all on Senkos of various colors. Most were jumpers too. Also lost another 8+ LM on the Buzzbait. Though on two of them, they spit the bait and I almost got hooked. Probably 7 of the 8 I either set too soon, or have a dull hook. Probably both. Should've had the right rod and reel for the job too. Way more aggressive on the buzz, then I usually get for the Puppy. I'll be buying more of these party favors soon.

Very fun night. 4 or the Senko fish in the first 1/2 hour. Bugs were very bad though. Very very bad. I will be back though, soon, very soon.

Amish Ed
You Can't Catch it again if
it's Dead!
2003, RE: Discovery Lake, 10-25-01
Posted by brian, Fri Oct-26-01 03:41 AM
First buzzbait fish??? Where were you fishing? by the dock?
2004, RE: Discovery Lake, 10-25-01
Posted by , Fri Oct-26-01 09:57 AM
Hey, AmishED this Ruben 'HALIBUT KING"Valdez, this lake your talking about, where is it located at ? it sounds like fun, real fun. If you can write me back I would like that alot. Hey by the way have you ever fished for LB at Goleta Ranch. it is all right!!, but not as good as the lake your talking about. post me a message. THANKS !!!!!!!

Ruben "HALIBUT KING" Valdez
2005, RE: Discovery Lake, 10-25-01
Posted by brian, Fri Oct-26-01 02:51 PM
The lake he's talking about is in San Diego. I don't know of any Rancho Goleta Lake... BTW, you don't have to introduce yourself every post, it has your name above your message. Just FYI.
2006, RE: Discovery Lake, 10-25-01
Posted by AmishEd, Fri Oct-26-01 07:51 PM
Brian, no buzz fish. I lost at least 8 though. 0 - 8. Hell I've done worse. I fished the back end, there's some nice weeds. What I wouldn't give to tube it though. There is almost no fishable shoreline. Most of the holes in the tules have trees hanging like 5' above the water. I'm trying another place in the morning. Tubing this one too. I'll report after.

Amish Ed
You Can't Catch it again if
it's Dead!

btw, I've been making some freakbait molds. Should be pouring with them soon. Save me a lot of money if they work good, plus I can have whatever colors I want. Steve's picking them up to start prepping them for pouring. Should have some fresh freaks next week.
2007, RE: Discovery Lake, 10-25-01
Posted by AmishEd, Fri Oct-26-01 07:53 PM
Ruben, Brian's right about Discovery, it's down here in S.D. Never fished S.B. though, so Brian's my source for info up there.

Amish Ed
You Can't Catch it again if
it's Dead!
2008, RE: Discovery Lake, 10-25-01
Posted by brian, Sat Oct-27-01 08:53 AM
whoops, must've read it wrong. What are you making the molds out of? plaster of paris?
2009, RE: Discovery Lake, 10-25-01
Posted by AmishEd, Sat Oct-27-01 10:26 AM
Yeah, I'm using plaster. I did try epoxy, but it reacts with both the glues I tried. One of them did turn out marginal, but haven't used it to know for sure.

Tubed this lake in Vista this morning. Nice looking place, lots and lots of tules, plenty of points, and just big enough to not get bored. But, not a single good bite for 4 hrs. Skunked. The water was a wierd redish brown, like a bad Red Tide. Any clue as to what that is from? Shut off the bite? I know the place has a good reputation.

Amish Ed
You Can't Catch it again if
it's Dead!
2010, RE: Discovery Lake, 10-25-01
Posted by brian, Sat Oct-27-01 06:31 PM
Has it rained down there or anything? Something must've kicked up the mud or washed mud into the water. Could be algae too.
2011, RE: Discovery Lake, 10-25-01
Posted by , Sun Oct-28-01 08:08 AM
Wasn't rain, haven't had any in what seems like 20 years. Though we might get some tomorrow. My guess is algae.
