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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectDelta-Middle River
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=1601
1601, Delta-Middle River
Posted by Hawgsticker, Mon Jul-16-01 06:47 AM
Hit the water by 5:30am. Stuck a nice 3lber on the first cast. Nice start to the day. Continued to pick up a fish here and there pretty steady. Caught 4 on Senko's and picked up 3 on a speed trap. This was my first time tubing this part of the Delta. I had a great day. Off the water by 9:00 with my best 5 going aroung 16lbs. I caught one real nice fish around 6lbs and the rest were all 2-2.5lbs. Funny thing happened while I was out, there was a bobber that some one had busted off floating around. I watched it for awhile and it looked as if it was being moved around by something other than the currents. So I (in my infinate wisdom) decide to grab it as it goes by me. As soon as I put some pressure on the line, what must have been a 15-20 lb striper boils the water and takes off like a bullet with me in tow. I let go as soon as I figured out what the *&@# was going on, but i still ended up with a nice gash in my fingers from the line. Not to mention that now I am in need of some clean waders. lol

Tight Lines,
