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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectJuly 15, 2001 - Uvas
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=1595
1595, July 15, 2001 - Uvas
Posted by swimbait, Sun Jul-15-01 11:30 AM
Brian was up for the pro teen and he stayed at my place Saturday so on Sunday we went for a morning run. Plan was to go to Lexington and launch the boat. Supposedly it's trolling motor only from what I gather, but obviously I didn't do enough research on what the deal was before we went. I say this because when we showed up there was a couple hundred or so people on the shore with all these big blow up things. Guess what? A nice Sunday swim at Lexington and no boats allowed on the lake! What a joke. We went around to the ramp and it was locked so they weren't kidding. Of course there was a ski boat out there setting up bouys ... guess they must get special treatment or something. Well it didn't look like fun anyway with 20+ knot winds whipping across the lake, so we decided to go further south. Lets see, can't go to Calero, Anderson, or Coyote because of lake lice infestation and 40 boat limit rules. We were down to Uvas or Chesbro. Never been to either so we went to Uvas. Roll into the parking lot. More circus events!!! This lady in a boat is yelling and whacking a white bouy on the water and these huge black and brown dogs on ropes are jumping in the water and doing fake water rescues. I guess when you're the dog club you don't have to abide by the no swimming rule either because people were out there swimming along with the dogs. Unreal what a crock of crud these bay area lakes are. It's rediculous. The fishing and weather didn't cheer us up either. Howling wind and it was a cold nasty wind to boot. Water temp felt really warm though so at first we were optimistic. Fished for 4 hours for two 9 inchers for me on the fat free shad. Brian had a couple bites on a spinnerbait too. We came back to the ramp and were greeted by a guy on a bullhorn with the play by play on the fake dog rescues and approximately 100 motorcycles in the parking lot. Retreated as fast as possible and headed home. I think I need to go back to Santa Margarita so I can relax.
1596, RE: July 15, 2001 - Uvas
Posted by bassnet, Sun Jul-15-01 04:37 PM
Classic! Sounds like the launch ramp follies down here in Dana Point! After a hard day of fishing, nothing beats pulling into the slip at the Embarcadero and watching the kooks with their jet skis and matching yellow fullsuits and matching yellow stupid rigs do everything in their power to wreck their toys- skis grinding up the cement ramp, yellow sled backed so far down the ramp that it gets stuck door deep in the salty H2O, etc. All while sipping a cold beverage and laughing your ass off as you shout "encouragement" (yeah, that's what they call it!) at the idiot jet skiers! All we are missing is the fat broads with their pooches getting mad as we toss hookless zara spooks and make Leo chase it out to sea! By the way- let's all observe a moment of silence for Leo- he was the poor pooch that the a$$hole threw into traffic after a traffic dispute- what a jerk. Oh well, Leo looks like a nice halibut now! I'm sure he would roll over in his grave if he saw his doggy cousins ruining a day of fishing- Leo was all about C&R bassing. Or so I heard. Tight lines!
1597, RE: July 15, 2001 - Uvas
Posted by , Sun Jul-15-01 04:50 PM
Too bad Lexington was closed down. I've never seen them do that before there, probably a once in a year event. But you're right about not missing much. The place is a wind tunnel and fishing's inconsistent. I'm surprised you didn't jump over to Loch Lomond, seeing that you were only a half hour away at Lexington. It's a huge lake, electric motor only, and hardly anyone launches private boats. Fishing there kinda sucks, but you can't get much worse than Uvas and the swimbait bite should have huge potential.

Brent and I fished a bunch of San Jose ponds today and the fishing was pretty much dead, too. At least we never saw anyone else on the water though :)


1598, RE: July 15, 2001 - Uvas
Posted by brian, Sun Jul-15-01 05:25 PM
"Man, these dogs are fun to watch. It's their natural ability to save people. Look how much they love to swim in the freezing cold water with cold wind and drizzle. Here boy, here boy, come in the water..." LMFAO. Poor dogs. At least it provided some entertainment while we were attempting to catch fish.