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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectPlease send a support letter to the Senate and the Governor for AB 7
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=15418
15418, Please send a support letter to the Senate and the Governor for AB 7
Posted by BradWillis, Sun Jul-24-05 08:49 AM
AB 7 is now in the Senate Appropriations Committee. We need to be sending letters to the Senate committee so that they will pass the bill. At the FOCH site we have made it easy. Please go to the "Send a Support Letter" page and look for the link or click here:

It is now looking like our bill will reach the Governor's desk. On the Friends of California Hatcheries website we now have a new support letter for the Governor. Please send letters.

To get there go to the site and look for "Contact Governor" or click here: http://www.friendsofcaliforniahatch...%20Governor.htm

I hope that we can get just as many letters to the Governor as we have gotten to Assemblyman Cogdill...

This is different than the previous support letter. Please take a minute or two and send a letter to the Governor and the State Senate Appropriations Committee.

We can do this thing........
James "Brad" Willis
Mojave River Hatchery
SEIU Local 1000/CSEA
Bargaining Unit 11 Negotiating Council

15463, RE: Please send a support letter to the Senate and the Governor for AB 7
Posted by BradWillis, Tue Aug-09-05 08:35 PM
Good news anglers,
We have generated 365 support letters for AB 7 from the Friends of California hatcheries website. These are the new letters going to the Governor.

Hopefully, by the time the bill reaches his desk, we will have over 1000 letters of support for this important fisheries legislation.

If you haven't done so, please send an electronic letter. It takes about 30 seconds. Click here: http://www.friendsofcaliforniahatcheries.org/Contact%20Governor.htm

James "Brad" Willis
SEIU Local 1000 Bargaining Unit 11 Negotiating Council
Mojave River Hatchery
15491, RE: Please send a support letter to the Senate and the Governor for AB 7
Posted by BradWillis, Sat Aug-20-05 08:45 PM

Now the count on the AB 7 Support Letters from the Friends of California Hatcheries site is:

650 AB 7 support letters to the Governor (and the Governor is noticing the letters)

800 AB 7 support letters to Assemblyman Dave Cogdill

It is not known how many anglers have sent an email to the Senate Appropriations Committee because the link goes to another site. Here is the link: http://www.aroundthecapitol.com/act/billletter.html?bill=ab_7&cmtehouse=S&cmte=APPROPRIATIONS

The Senate Appropriations Committee will vote on AB 7 again on Thursday Aug 25th. If they don't pass the bill, the bill is dead.

Please, if you haven't yet sent a letter, it's not too late.

Thanks to all who have sent letters.

15494, RE: Please send a support letter to the Senate and the Governor for AB 7
Posted by PHISHnutS, Mon Aug-22-05 12:45 PM

Thanks Brad, for keeping everyone updated and continuing to express need for more support.

Sending an electronic letter that takes 30sec of our time is the least we could do.
