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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectEastern Sierras Trip July 20-26
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=10606
10606, Eastern Sierras Trip July 20-26
Posted by JBYRD23, Wed Jul-30-03 10:17 PM
Sorry for the late report everyone I wanted to include the picture where were at the bottom, and since I came back i've been very very busy with work and basketball. ENJOY. :lol:

It had been a little over 3 months since I was up in the Sierras. This time I went up with my buddy Rick and his brother Mike to Mammoth Lakes for the week. There was a big fish derby in the basin we were hoping on bringing some fish to weigh in to, and just to have a great overall time.

Sunday, July 20th

On Sunday we got a later start then I had wanted to, but left Rick's house about 9:30. We made a stop at Turners for some line, but they were out, so we decided to just get line at Culvers in Bishop. On the way up we stopped at a few different places such as Mt. Whitney fish hatchery, and the Hot Creek fish hatchery, just to stretch our legs.

We got into Mammoth about 4:30 and set up camp at the Twin Lakes Campground. After getting every situated, I shown Rick and Mike the lakes in the basin and we tossed out some Lip Ripperz for a few small DFG's before we decided to head in to Mammoth for some great pizza, which didn't agree with me at all.

Monday, July 21st

We all had decided to sleep in on Monday. We got out all of tackle and float tubes, and after having a small breakfast, we went out to upper twin to float tube. We all tied on Lip Ripperz, which we never changed from for the whole trip.

I was the first one to hook up, which was the case for most of the trip, except for one time. We caught a lot of small little stockers, before I hooked into a few nice fish. I got 3 over a pound and a half. One of my trout looked almost like a Cutthroat, but I'm not sure if they have those in Twin Lakes or not. We then float tubed our way to middle twin which is hard to do with all the weeds, but well worth it, as Rick and I both got a brook, with Ricks going about 12 inches!

In the afternoon we went to Mamie and tubed there. Once again we caught many small DFG's here, all caught on Orange and Pink Lip Ripperz trout worms. We called it a night early as we were going to wake up early to be out on Twin Lakes.

Tuesday, July 22nd

This was truly an EPIC day. We started out on upper twin again float tubing. Mike was using Pink Lip Ripperz, while Rick and I had on Orange. First Rick got into about a 3 pounder, then I got into one about half pound smaller. Rick then had another one in the 3 pound class. As I float tubed down further by where two creeks come into the lake, I hear Mike hollering. After about a fifteen minute fight, Mike bring in a big Alpers! When we got it measures3 hours later it weight 7 and a 1/4, there is no doubt in my mind it would have weight heavier then that if we would have weighed it right away. After that Mike also caught a five pounder and same for Rick. For a great morning bite we must have caught and released easily 40 trout a piece, and kept the three big ones to weigh in.

In the afternoon we came back and fished again in Upper Twin and kicked some major butt again. We all caught fish from little DFG stockers to 5 pound Alpers, with me getting one about 4 pounds and Rick getting another 5 pounder. As there was a little bit of a rain coming down we went in early and went to Shogun to the Sushi bar. I'm not a big fan of Sushi like Rick and Mike, but it was a great place with great service.

Wednesday, July 23rd

Wednesday we all slept in and went down to lower twin. It was an overcast day and we got sprinkles throughout the morning. We fished closer to the bridge area to mid lake and once again used Orange Lip Ripperz. We all got some nice fish here as well. Mike got one about 6 pounds, Rick got about a 4 pounder, and I got another 3 pounder. Rick and I both lost two nice fish a piece here, where we felt the fish and it busted us off.

At Lunch time Rick and I took off for George while Mike too a nap. George was slow as could be with no fish for anyone. Rick and I manager two little ones, then we went to the backside of Mamie and Mary and caught some small ones there, and I got one about a pound and a half.

As we got some light rain again we took off for Convict for the afternoon, which was a big mistake. Convict was slow as could be. The Lake was empty and for good reason. The creek on the other hand was packed and we got a few small fish out of. We left early and ate a nice restaurant in town, they had Italian, American, and Mexican food.

Thursday July 24th

Thursday we got up early and fished upper twin again and still got into nice fish. All of us caught a few 3 pounders, and I kept my biggest of the morning, so I could get a picture on the wall, and for lunch. It went 3 pounds 10 oz. It made a great lunch.

For the afternoon we went and fished Mamie for the tubes and it turned out to be a mistake. The fishing was great, and Rick and I were out by the downed tree, when Mike yelled at us to look at the mountains. You could see a wall of rain coming through. Mike was by the bridge and thats where he went to. Rick and I however were catching lots of fish, so we paddled back slowly catching fish. By the time we got to the bridge it was pouring, with lots of lightning. After about spending 30 minutes under the bridge we decided to make a run for it. We got to the van and I didnt have the keys! They must have fallen out. I opened the doors for Rick and Mike and I went back to where I entered the lake. Sure enough my keys where there.

We gone out and grabbed some McDonalds for dinner then went back to the tent for some poker. That night however the big mama bear came through out camp, but just checked things out, she was a big bear though.
Friday, July 25th

Friday we tubed lower twin again. We all got into some more nice fish, up to three pounds, before the rains came and went back in for a late lunch. The rain had stopped as we got out of the water, and lunch was good.

After lunch we went to the backside of upper twin where there was some boats docked. I got a nice Alpers here about 2 pounds and then a nice Brown as well. Behind us at a cabin some people coming through yelled to us there was a bear coming by. We all thought it was the Mama Bear, but to out surprise it was one of her cubs. RIck and Mike asked me to get some digital pictures, so I did, and sure enough when I turn around, Rick and Mike are 50 feet behind me. I got some good pictures, and the bear was curious to who I was, so it came down our way to the shore, and everyone on the lake got to see it then.

After seeing the bear to cap off the trip we called it a day and went in for some great home made burritos.

Saturday, July 26th

Saturday we packed up early and left. We stopped by the Bishop Creek drainage, and to my surprise all of the lakes very very stained with run off, and also very packed, so we left, and just went back home. I was gonna stop and look for Dave, but we were too tired.

All in all it was one of my best fishing trips ever. Between the three of us, we must have caught at least 40 alpers over 2 pounds. The funny thing was we never got one Brood stock however. We all had some 50-60 fish days, as well. Rick and I must have caught over 200 trout a piece while Mike was a little bit behind us. Mike got the biggest fish however, and we are waiting to find out if that 7 and 1/4 pounder was good enough to win the derby.

All of our trout were caught using Lip Ripperz trout worms, fished just like in my article. We also doused them in Garlic oil as well. Fly Fisherman weren't doing to good when we were there, and guys tossing bait and other lures like Bouyants werent hooking up either, the guys we gave some samples to of the trout worms did catch a few fish however.

If you guys want to view pictures from the trip go here, and all the pictures are in the big folder. I got pictures of a lot of our fish, and the small cub as well: http://www.socalfishing.net/estrip
10610, RE: Eastern Sierras Trip July 20-26
Posted by BMXbasser, Thu Jul-31-03 01:45 PM
JBYRD, What an awesome trip, tons of big fish, rain and lighting and to top it all off, bears. I have yet to see a bear up there but I sure will keep my eyes open. It's been a few years since I last landed an Alpers. Your report is really making me want to go up there because I heard they are stocking alpers every week right now. Gotta love those Browns