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Topic subjectSponsorship
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=4581
4581, Sponsorship
Posted by bb bass pros, Thu Aug-23-07 09:57 AM
Hello fellow fishermen. I was wondering if I can get myself and my friend sponsored with the help of one of you. I can get you pictures of our fish. We have been trying but may not have the connections we need to get any sponsorships. We would except at least partial sponsorship.

Thank you,

Brad and Blake
4582, RE: Sponsorship
Posted by Lake, Thu Aug-23-07 10:16 AM
Welcome to calfishing.com. The best suggestion to you is to mingle at the sports and tackle shows in your area and build relationships. Offer to help people out and be familiar with there products. It also helps to visit all your local tackle shops have good relationships with them and try to meet there reps. Its also good to talk to your local shops that plan to have booth's at upcoming shows and offer to help out and work for them. Its all about relationships, selling and promoting there products more then it is fish pics.
4583, RE: Sponsorship
Posted by magmaster, Thu Aug-23-07 10:20 AM
Sponsorship these days is more than pictures of fish and a patch on your shirt.

You have to be willing to offer your services to the business you request sponsorship from. In other words what can you do for them? Can you help them sell tackle, boats, etc;? Can you help out by working local shows by standing int he booth and answering questions? You need to be able to answer these questions correctly. You will also need to be able to offer any time that is required. Can you work 5 days at a show if needed?

Tournament finishes are not always something they look for either. After all this is a business and they want help selling whatever it is that they sell.

Prepare a resume and a marketing plan. Explain how you can help them and you might be considered before the next guy.
4584, RE: Sponsorship
Posted by bassindon69, Thu Aug-23-07 02:44 PM
I don't know much about the sponsorship part of it but I have had a few things come my way (I thank them for that). That was because of the products I use and catch with I believe in. When someone asks about rods,reels,lures,line and how to. I tell them what has worked for me (that's all I know). I was just being helpful, I had no idea anything would come from it but it did. I am not really sponsored but you can say I have a toe in the door LOL. I do get a few kick backs.
I am happy for anything that has come my way. I have been told that at age 42 I was to old for sponsorship LOL! I tried a two years ago to get some sponsors (now age 44). So if you are younger maybe it will help. I would think it is harder for someone to seek sponsors then sponsors to seek someone. If you are looking for sponsors to save money you are looking for the wrong reasons. Catching big or lots of fish helps but is just a small part of it. If you can help them in some way they will most likely help you in return.
Good Luck.

4586, RE: Sponsorship
Posted by sabigfish, Sun Aug-26-07 06:23 PM
I sponsor a few anglers here is Texas. They have all been my customers for a few years and buy a majority of all the tackle from my store. I have also helped a few get national sponsorships. You really got to get a good relationship with an independent dealer.
When a dealer recommends a individual it really makes a difference. www.texabasstackle.com