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Forum nameCalfishing.com Main Board
Topic subjectEl Nino Officially Here; Yellowtail off Morro Bay
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=1575&mesg_id=1575
1575, El Nino Officially Here; Yellowtail off Morro Bay
Posted by , Thu Sep-05-02 04:55 AM
I probably wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it for myself...
I busted one off, but we decked 6 of them (15 lb.-class) aboard the Admiral yesterday under a kelp paddy around the 1908 spot...


Check 'em out:
<img src="http://cuttermotors.com/jon_shafer/yellowtail01.jpg">
<img src="http://cuttermotors.com/jon_shafer/yellowtail01.jpg">
<img src="http://cuttermotors.com/jon_shafer/yellowtail01.jpg">

I did mange to catch 5 Albacore, though.


<img src="http://cuttermotors.com/jon_shafer/albie1.jpg">

Now that I know El Nino is a certainty I am looking forward teh
the fishing prospects for the next 24 months!!

--Jon Shafer, Santa Barbara