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Forum nameNew Product Introductions and Product Availability
Topic subjectNew Painted Rago Raptor & 6" Rubber Raptor
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=13&topic_id=1085
1085, New Painted Rago Raptor & 6" Rubber Raptor
Posted by ConwayCustomRod, Tue Dec-06-05 04:47 PM
There is a lot of talk, if it is the action, paint or technique when it comes to soft swimbaits. Jerry and I were talking and he started his business because he wanted his baits to have fins. He thought the profile was important. He has caught more fish on his rubberbait than the hardbaits. When the soft Raptor came out Jerry was surprised at the lack of sales, the bottom bouncers were the last to go and they are the ones that do the damage. Jerry has been painting his rubber baits for a while now and we fish them all, painted and no paint. I thought I would show the Pro Staff Model to see if anyone was interested in them. The price would about double, but they are still under $40.00
Also the 6" soft Raptor's will be in the stores this week.

1086, RE: New Painted Rago Raptor & 6" Rubber Raptor
Posted by supermat, Tue Dec-06-05 05:42 PM
Wow, that bait looks sweet! I was bummed that I missed the release of the baits on Tackle warehouse or I'd have purchased a few.

1087, RE: New Painted Rago Raptor & 6" Rubber Raptor
Posted by massbassguy, Tue Dec-06-05 06:26 PM
Great looking bait, I'd be interested too. Also bummed I missed out on the brief time they were on tacklewarehouse
1090, Stay on your side
Posted by Urban, Thu Dec-08-05 01:23 PM
Hey, no wonder we cant get the swimbaits when we want them, those dang east coasters keep buying them:P

When and where can we get the soft 8" raptors now? And, Im interested in the bottome bouncers. TW is out, and I dont know where else to go (since Josh doesnt want to trade mex( )
1089, RE: New Painted Rago Raptor & 6" Rubber Raptor
Posted by Josh D, Thu Dec-08-05 12:18 PM
Looks good!

I feel a painted bait could be better at times. Let's say the water your fishing has 15ft visibility and you have bluebird skies. That is a good situtaion when the most realistic bait could out perform a poured bait.

Let's say you have the same visibility and it's nasty weather out and cloudy and rainy. I feel that a poured bait could at least do as well as a painted bait if not better because of the color probably wouldn't matter as much.

So I feel that both poured and painted baits have it's place. Another thing is the action and profile come into play also.

The question is would I buy one or ten.....HELL YEAH! Would people buy this bait if they were offered to the public....Hell Yeah! Some people would pay the extra money for the paint, but also people would buy the non painted ones also. $18 for a quality swimbait is a good deal! Starting to get long....I'm out!

Josh D.
1091, RE: New Painted Rago Raptor & 6" Rubber Raptor
Posted by massbassguy, Thu Dec-08-05 06:30 PM
They definitely are catching on in the east. I didn't know anyone until a couple of years ago who had ever thrown one, now i know a bunch of guys. I started throwing them before anyone I know, but knew nothing about them, didn't stick with them nearly as much as I should, and didn't fish them correctly. Bummed out I wasted those years I should have been catching big bass.