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Forum nameTackle and Boats
Topic subjectRE: braided line
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=12&topic_id=872&mesg_id=879
879, RE: braided line
Posted by alvo69, Mon Feb-06-06 02:44 PM
Just a little tip here... when using braid, tie a DOUBLE PALOMAR knot! Just overhand it twice through the loop ,instead of the usual once, add a little spittle, pull down. Voila! It may take an extra time or two (and you might have to clip it and start over,but it's worth the effort!) to get it pulled down all the way,(be sure to use pliers to pull the tag end {only} tight), because it knots up on itself once in a while, but , you can PULL A TRACTOR TRAILER DOWN THE ROAD and the line will not slip. Also , if you're using braid, realize the fish don't give a crap if you leave a 1/8 inch tag end or a 1/4 inch tag, So use at least 1/4 inch!!! That'll buy you ALOT of insurance on any line slipping!! And with mono/fluorocarbon lines, Ditto ,but first tie a LOOSE-ISH over hand knot- over the main line- (towards the lure) , and then snip it. You can't believe how much more weedless your jig 'lure will be,and an added bonus: with a texas rig, the weight bounces on the over hand knot and NOT the palomar/knot of choice. you should notice a marked improvement in knot wear!! Good Luck, and "If ya hook'em , LAND 'EM!!" -- Alex